Henry (Part 2)

Henry has shown up at Alida’s. After the other visitors left Henry left with Alida.

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Well, I’m sure glad I didn’t renew. Very little left for me to watch now

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We had recently a full moon & when that happens people are very nervous and irritable with fights.
I think that in 10 days things will calm down and a compromise will be reached by both sides
Other than that they were the oldest Realm still on VHTV as of 2017. I watching them from 2019 when I became a member. I don’t think this couple can be apart… anything in real life is possible but I do believe they will be back together or they both leave … it will be a joy for everyone to see them together again…!!
I should mention when Mira was going through her last problem, I was surprised that he left Mira alone the day after the incident and went to the Playboy house because they usually go together
And also many visits lately to Alida’s Realm perhaps is so close to them. As a result of that Mira was left alone several times.

PS Jakar & Lika It’s the other oldest couple still here since 2018

Here’s a question nobody is asking. Henry has visible injuries, what about Mira? Is she badly injured? Who was the instigator of the fight?

My worthless two cents here. I want to start by saying that I think Henry is a buffoon, a caricature at this point. I also think that Mira is damn sexy. I have no idea what their “real” dynamic together is. Here’s what bothers me about almost all the posts for the last 2 days. Mira had a medical incident. It seems serious, yet the overwhelming response here is not expressing concern for her wellbeing. Henry is a polarizing figure on VHTV. I don’t think anyone can argue that point. I honestly don’t like Henry for the a___e of power he wields over those women who are less fortunate than him. But that shouldn’t matter to any of us right now. Mira had a medical episode and has decided to leave the realm. At least that’s how I see it. I hope she is ok.

Do any of you have a problem with Mira and the entertainment she provides you? I honestly tune in to that realm to see her first, then whoever else might catch my attention. Shana was a good example of that. Shouldn’t how Mira is be more important than the bulls__t cock swinging that many of you have been doing over the last 2 days? This is supposed to be entertainment. I appreciate the passion many of you bring to the forums but, holy s__t, the personal attacks are less entertaining than seeing Henry get pegged!

You all have the right to say anything you want within the forum rules and I respect that, but just because you can doesn’t mean you should. Especially the petty cock swinging that has gone on for the last 2 days here. Maybe take some time away from the forum, watch your favorite realm, and remember that VHTV is supposed to be entertaining not a catalyst for personal attacks in the forum? There are many different native languages here and translations may not be good or true to what was intended.

I say this with all due respect to all. If the forum has become more important to you than enjoying the entertainment in the realms, you might want to rethink why you are still here. Go ahead and light me up if you wish, but I joined here as a premium member to watch what goes on in the realms as I’m sure most of you had. The forum is secondary. Disagreements are fine and expected. The personal attacks that have gone on over the last 2 days here are juvenile to me and not entertaining.

I wish you all well, but I wish Mira well more. These are real people here. Yes, there is a lot of acting and created drama in the realms. But shouldn’t that be the focus for members and not the bulls__t on the forum? I can only imagine how hard the participants are laughing at how sad we are if they read the last couple of days of this discussion.

<cue the flames!> :upside_down_face:

I truly hope Mira is alright and returns to the realm for my entertainment. If she doesn’t, for whatever reasons she has (medical, Henry’s antics, or she thinks a comet is going to hit the apartment), then I wish her nothing but the best and thank her for the entertainment that she provided to me. I hope you all find that to be the most important thing right now too.


Seems like a little more than two cents. It looks like you emptied the bank with this post.

I can’t argue with that. Had a couple of rum and cokes, read all the comments, and kind of got on a roll.

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Wow, really missing her I see

Absolutely 100% agree! There is more drama on the forum then in the many of the realms in my honest option and far to many personal attacks. Those that commit should be given ONE warning and if they should do it again be given a time out from the forum. I and as some other do once they see a cock fight stop reading and go to the next realm in the list. I realize I’m no longer a subscriber but I still like to read what going on and not some getting in to a cock fight to see who is the beggar swards man. Respectful debate is the way to go, not the BS I have seen on the forum I have seen from time to time. A time out should be enf___ed regardless if one had been a subscriber gof a number of number years or someone like myself. I truly hope respect of others still means something in this world we all live in. There is enough drama I definitely don’t come here to see it on the forum.

PS…I hope this comes out ok and makes dense. Let’s just say I’ve had a few drams (shots) remembering brothers and sisters in arms I’ve lost over they years :face_holding_back_tears:

No surprise there really, as even after some of Mira’s previous attacks she has had, he has put her to bed and then gone out on his merry cock spree.
His only problem these days is that not many are now willing to accommodate his lustings.

Is is rather sad to see it seems that Mira has possibly left the project, well we have to assume that unless VH or any of the other leaders etc are willing to explain why she has left.
It is highly unlikely Henry will leave for now as what other talents does he have apart from what’s swinging between his legs.
How the mighty have fallen eh but one must admit whatever has happened is probably self inflicted.
Keep tuned for the next instalment or if we shall ever get any explanation from the VH hierarchy :roll_eyes:

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Luckily Alida is there to keep him company !! Again …they were the oldest Realm still on VHTV as of 2017.
It’s very Sad !! I hope she will be Back


If she actually doesn’t come back his options are limited, it’s Alida who has her own fuck toys , and maybe Maren. His favorite lady is now a porn star, so that’s no longer an option either


I’m sad to see Mira leave :cry:

Yes, it is rather strange how the old gang no longer want anything to do with him, even the old stalwart Maren hasn’t been around for a while now.
Wil be interesting to see if we see anymore of Debbie & Paul though they are as much use as a chocolate tea pot.,Not even seen Palmer lately though he is a waste of space as well.
Al in all,as you say, his options now seem to be very limited.

Well whatever happened it must have been quite serious for them to split up.

Everything Happening 4 a Reason…
Now is time to know how much Love was there… or just Sex
In Psychology Love dies before Sex …

I Bet Alida will try to contact her starting Today. Mira need some time…

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We still have not had any response from VH or any of our leaders on here as to why Mira has left but they didn’t waste any time in removing her name from the apartment listings. :roll_eyes:
Surely they would not have removed her name if it was only a little disagreement between them?
Just goes to show the contempt VH have for the general membership is all one can say. :roll_eyes:

@jabbath1987 you are welcome to advise the membership as to why this has happened
but i can probably anticipate what your response will be :roll_eyes:
Perhaps @kaya may be more proactive in any response?

Henry alone in the realm? Interesting. He now he’s not going to have anyone pulling on his leash.

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