Henry (Part 2)

wouldnt expect anything less from a military medic vet , its not something they can untrain you from

So very true! It’s easy to “speculate” what has has brought on her seizure(s). There are many factors to consider. I nor to my knowledge no one here has the medical expertise. I’m not pointing out anyone, I’m speaking in general teams.

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TRUTH! As they say "you can take the civiian out of the civiian, but you can’t take the military out of (the now) civiian.

I hope Mira feels better :hugs:

Great, thank you for you and your family’s service. I was part of the 3rd Army.

It’s not only the English. I get so irritated at those who live off the Government. Money, benefits all while I can’t hire anyone because “programs” pay them more. Rant over!

101st Airborne

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Feeling so much better to see someone recovering and feeling well. This is the best news and Mira’s picture looks so much better than yesterday


Isn’t it about time Mira’s name went back up on the apartment and stop all this c___dish and ridiculous crap. :roll_eyes:

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totally agree there clearly still together no matter what the script writers say :rofl:

just a scam to boost the viewing figurs no doubt :roll_eyes:

Pretty sure it is a matter of documents and who is responsible for the place. Nothing to do with scam at all.

Well whatever is going on you don’t split up with your wife but still continue kissy kissy, fucking each other and half living with each other.
The whole situation has become a joke really and just taking the piss out of the membership.
Then i suppose you will reply, who said they have split up.??? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
I give up to be honest :laughing:
After all it’s all just a money making venture anyway, reality doesn’t enter into it.

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As I said all this does not matter at all because it is about who is listed as responsible participants in the contracts.

Judging by events lately neither if them seem very responsible :laughing:

You may not think so but most of the membership probably take a different view and would like to know what the current situation is and what’s going on, after all they have no objection to taking our money.

I still do not understand what is the matter if her name is there or not? Won’t change the happenings in the place at all.

That’s probably a lot of the problem you just don’t seem to understand very much about the membership.

i remember admin saying this on 9th june . which makes me believe they know exactly whats going on .but dont feel that the truth of matter should be released for whatever reason . So its just left down to us to speculate , and doing this as livened up this forum for sure , even if a certain entity doesnt like speculation you get to say its worked VHTVProject Team

Jun 9

I would like to remind to not tag anyone at the forum for no apparent reason. What is discussed here - is not the reason to tag one or several persons.

As for the behavior at these apartment(s), please remain humane to human interaction during looks-like-a-tough breakup after many years. It may be nasty. This is the pure drama of life and participants agreed to be streamed. Nothing passes under the radar, thanks to our community, thanks to our monitoring approach & people behind it too. We investigate every incident and apply specific measures & improve our procedures. You can provide detailed report to VHTV Support with better efficiency than tagging everyone here.

That justifies no behavior. This is in regards to your reaction to how LIFE unfolds in real time. And keep the tone of “b___d for b___d” out of discussions, please.

Nervous Key And Peele GIF

Mira, Henry, are both young people with a lot of stuff going on around their lives, especially now. I wish both to respect each other as you respect the happy time you’ve been together, and god knows, may you stick together later as you’re kinda made for each other’s… presence (?) around. Anyway. Be safe, happy travels towards something which is to satisfy and joy. Love.

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