
Clone in this context means something very similar, not necessarily identical

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When the two apartments opened, they were so similar to Flora’s apartment that sometimes I didn’t even know which apartment I was in.
Of course, that is no longer the case.

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I don’t know what have you seen similar in them apartments, but at least, now i understand what you meant…

Maybe I did not express myself correctly. The two apartments bore no resemblance to Flora’s apartment.
Both apartments (I&C + X&H) were almost identical in size and had the same room layout. The sofas were in the same places. Cinderella and Harmony looked very similar and both had the well-known Flora pussy cam on the sofa.
At first I couldn’t tell the two girls apart and had to actually look at which apartment I was in to be able to tell who was who…

That’s why I gave up on these apartments after a short time because the same show was on in both and the guests were mostly from the other apartment, which was even more confusing.

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To be honest, Fox, Xavier apartment, is a lot closer to the business model you mentioned.

The same can be said about Medea and her clones Cydea and Lisbet, same business model in both pussy to cam and sharing the guests…

The Fox&Xavier apartment bears no resemblance at all to the two I spoke of.

And as far as Medea and the other two are concerned, I can’t judge that because I only look at Medea (if at all).

You are right about something: while in the previous ones, there were couples, in here, the situation it is different. Also, because of the location, they can not share the guests anymore…

You forgot about Dino. Not sure if he beats Elon (possibly to beat him), but definitely it is a lot bigger than Xavier.

so to get back to the actual topic… :sweat_smile:

Sorry @Fox for all the stuff that doesn’t belong here… :smiling_face: :kissing_heart:


The irony that the apartments with the girls that Mohrchi likes the most, are all related to the one and only, most famous one, etc. :laughing:

I get that but what you don’t realize is it she didn’t leave him he left her because he stated a while back that he wanted to and I’m a put this just as nicely as I can but he thought he was just gonna have so many other girls to have sex with that his his apartment was just gonna be jumping And he was gonna have a plethora. He was going to be like his buddy Isidore That’s what came out of his mouth and now he’s moping around, ignoring Fox talking about leaving, which I believe he’s gonna do the same thing Isidore Take his name off the room and still be there

And I believe Fox is like that If he can know how to have a conversation and enjoy being around a person and stop constantly being on his phone when he’s around people

No, when he joined, he was not with Harmony. They met at Cinderella‘s apartment because she came with another guy.

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And it’s sad to say that by him being withdrawn that is going to come to a point that the only time people are going to watch this apartment is when Fox is there

That’s because Cinderella‘s apartment is floras And as far as Harmony, which apartment the first apartment that they had or the one, Xavier is in now ?

Xavier and Harmony took over Floras old apartment when she, Dennis and Kratos aka Foo had to move!

Although, Cinderellas place might also have been Floras first!

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No, if I remember correctly, they house set at that apartment when Dennis and flora went on a trip when she finally left that apartment she gave that apartment to Dennis

Xavier and harmony ended up getting their own apartment before the apartment that Xavier is in now

I believe that you are making a confusion about Xavier and Harmony apartment.

You are right about Cinderella’s place

— Бросаешь спорт? С чего вдруг?
— Помню, спросил однажды у тренера: «В какой момент надо оканчивать?». Знаешь, что он сказал – новички подскажут.

Вы правы, того Xavier уже нету.


Well, you need to go find him you’re too young to be depressed and moping around bro. You have a beautiful girl in that living room that seems to me for the most part likes you they can probably help To bring you out of this funk that you’re in