
Out of respect in the way that I was raised


I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you do when you leave emojis even if you don’t leave a comment

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what do you mean by ?

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Tut mir leid, aber ich sehe diesen Menschen in einem anderen Licht. Ich frage nur, warum ist Fox so überstürzt gegangen, obwohl sie sagte sie ginge erst Ende der Woche? Ist niemand in Erinnerung wie sehr Fox sich immerwieder bemüht hat, aber kalt abgewiesen wurde. Was ich nicht verstanden habe, war, dass er dennoch hin und wieder Sex mit ihr hatte. Warum kamen immer wieder Fragen aus dem Forum warum er nicht Zärtlichkeiten erwidern konnte. Fox tat mir von Herzen leid. Darum habe ich eine andere Meinung.

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You judging somebody with your emojis when you don’t like what they say, you give them a thumbs down so that’s judging them like I’ve said before when someone says something about one of these participants that you disagree with I don’t feel like they should be saying you judge them Even though they didn’t say nothing to you per se, you still judged them, even though you have not written a comment

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As I have written several times that Fox needs his own apartment and I have been challenged that it is not necessary, since Xavier is the one. So I’m glad it turns out that without Fox, this apartment is without action. Xavier wrote that he was going away for a while. Remember the beautiful party without Xavier when he was gone. I’m personally looking forward to the return of Fox and her party, but that’s just my opinion.

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@Destin146223 what I don’t understand is why would he get an apartment that’s further away than his previous apartment to the other participants so that way he could find a girl that’s already visited in other apartments so he can stop finding these shy girls that have never done anything like what he’s doing now this is my opinion but I know those Xavier fans are going to be upset lol

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At the time the current apartment was opened, He was still partnered with Harmony, and they had been in relocation status long enough to cause concern that they were Leaving The Project, So they had to settle quickly!


  • Xavier & Harmony (realm27) is offline for relocation


  • Xavier & Harmony (realm27) is back online after relocation
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since the loss of harmony xavier is no longer the same person the loss of harmony is totally torn I think

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Is people that have been in relocation for longer than what they did like I believe Derek and Gina are still in relocation because they’re trying to get close to Roza And her boyfriend, so that’s no excuse and look how long it took Popi and his girlfriend In my opinion, that’s no excuse

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If you go back and look, or should I say Read what he said this was what he wanted because he started talking about being in an open relationship and I hate to say it, but her room is better than his

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I agree but I think that today he regrets the loss of harmony I think it’s just my opinion after all

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Yes, but like I said before I’m still not understanding it and he said this is self why he moves so far away from everybody else

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yes I remember that I don’t understand either

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I think it has something to do with finding a place where the apartment manager will agree to allow cameras to be setup in the apartment!

(EDIT) After-all, We have seen that a Realm will often go offline for a managers visit!

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There are many questions about Fox’s departure that only time will answer.

It was a lot of clothes to pack for a couple of days vacation. She packed all her sexy underwear, small tops and the little black party dress. She cleaned out all the drawers in the bedroom cabinet and threw many things away, also from the bathroom

She also took the Lush, all her personal items and paperwork including VH contract which she had been studying during the afternoon. Why would you do this if you were just visiting relatives for a few days

Also, when she went out with Wizz on Wednesday evening she wore the white jacket, but she returned without it. She later changed clothes and left the appartment at 2am on Thursday.

Much does not add up, maybe she will return, maybe not. I have noticed though, that she is regularly looking at the forum.

Only my observations and thoughts, but really I hope that she does return.


if she doesn’t come back the apartment won’t bear the name of fox xavier but only xavier!

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But if Xavier goes back where he came from, and has a break as he stated. It will just go offline and a comment “left the project”

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fox will be in the apartment waiting for xavier to return

I guess that’s just you thinking positive correct because she didn’t wait for him when he went on his “” studies lol she had her fun regardless

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