
:+1: :+1: :hugs: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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your answer is so true

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seeing Xavier with this new guest I see above all a respectful man who does not jump on him like a big dog


at the beginning when fox arrived in the accommodation he didn’t jump on him on the first date

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your hatred is viceral towards xavier and I don’t understand it all

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The problem isn’t Xavier, it is some subscribers expect to see fucking all the time iregardless of the circumstances!

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yes I’m that’s it

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Hi, I fully approve of what you say! In fact, in today’s case I really appreciated that Xavier sent her away, leaving her full freedom.
In my previous posts, you can read in fact that when Davina was in the apartment I didn’t like Xavier’s attitude in some cases towards Davina.
I’m absolutely not saying that I would want Xavier to f___e a girl’s hand.
I’m just thinking about other people’s posts with my opinion on the general topic of the apartment, which I had already expressed in the past.
Before writing nonsense, read carefully what I wrote.
This is not an attack on Xavier. Do we want to call it advice? Well… you see. It just seems like a comment to me.

Then why insult him in this way

I think Xavier has shown respect in giving her time to decide for herself, instead of pushing to convince her to do something she might regret later.

Maybe it would be easier to understand your meaning if you could condense and shorten your posts!

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For me Xavier can also become a monk, go with three girls together or do whatever he wants in general.
I am only analyzing the stories that I have seen in the apartment in recent months, and commenting with suggestions, which (as I have already written in other previous posts) may or may not be understood by the tenants.
It definitely doesn’t change my life. Suggestions typically have an affectionate motive. If I wrote the post (as I wrote in the post, if you read that right).

С Давиной было тяжко. Мы несколько часов разговаривали о том, что можем попробовать, в конце концов она согласилась, но она была не эмоциональна, она всегда не эмоциональна. Я не уговаривал её, не принуждал. Это общее осознанное решение.
По поводу моего поведения, почему во мне нет той самой искры которая была пока я был в других царствах. Все дело в том, что я далеко от своего окружения, мне не хватает людей с которыми я хорошо общался пока жил в прошлой квартире или посещал в других царствах и в целом все близкие мне люди достаточно далеко, мне одиноко, нет никакого рвения. Я наблюдаю день сурка каждый день. Вторая причина погода. Я зависим от солнца, если я долго не вижу солнца то моё моральное состояние ухудшается. В последний месяц я очень редко наблюдаю солнце.
Единственное что я могу делать это заниматься спортом, и гулять, кстати найдите скриншоты моего тела 2 месяца назад и скриншот тела сейчас, интересно изменился ли я. . Но все же я планирую вернуться в то окружение, в котором мне комфортно.
Небольшая информация для вас, скоро я возьму перерыв.


Look, saying “a person has no charisma” is not an insult. It becomes an insult if the person to whom it is directed does not accept the opinions of others.

Personally, I am a person with little charisma, I wouldn’t be able to manage apartment life, but that doesn’t mean I consider myself less than or inferior to others.
I have my own character with positive and negative sides like everyone else, but objectively I don’t have much charisma.
A charismatic person would be able to make you believe what you want, believe me.

There are not many charismatic people in the world.

sorry but what you are saying makes no sense


And I never talked about respect.
Who tells you that “I don’t respect Xavier”?
If I make a comment, is that “disrespecting people” to you?
Did I, by any chance, say that Xavier is a “no good” who “doesn’t respect girls” who is a “scoundrel”? I don’t think so.
Precisely because I RESPECT Xavier that I tell him that I would see him better in an apartment with other guys.
Don’t put words in my mouth that I didn’t write.

your analyses are very high level to be appreciated :face_with_thermometer:

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Only because it’s like I’ve mentioned in my opinions in the past Xavier is the type of person is going to sit there and wait for the girl to make the first move. Now you’re saying he was respectful and didn’t jump on the girl. Yes that is a good thing, but he doesn’t need to find a girl that is hesitant to do anything in front of a camera. He needs to look for a girl that is OK we’re getting naked in front of a camera because his ratings are going to go down if Fox ends up leaving this apartment and I’m just being real he’s going to continue to crash and burn

So when you say take a break soon, does that mean you’re leaving so are you going to give the apartment to Fox if that is the case just asking