
Дэвид, у меня для тебя кое что есть. Видел на днях тебе скинули мой Эскалибур в пикселях, такая себе картина)
У меня есть для тебя кое что получше

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Oh? I am curious as to what it might be…

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Will you save some leftovers for Fox or does David get to eat the full meal?!?!

Weakest Link Lol GIF by Justin Gammon

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Guys watch out, send your wifes out!!!

Не переживай сладкий, все достанется тебе💋

You have to change the bodies often otherwise you get bored ! :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :crazy_face:




In it’s current state that means I’ll starve. :cry: :hotdog:

And here goes the fun. I was just nagged if I could stop laughing because she can’t s___p…


Nah, I would like to spend a few more years with her. She is used to a much smaller caliber.

Why not ask Fox? She just had the most recent taste test!

I don’t think Fox has tested anything and won’t test anything because it’s very strange!

Покажи мне что сможешь сделать ты под наблюдением 24/7, а пока оставайся со своим мнением на балконе. @kaya спам, пассивное оскорбление участников и зрителей со стороны @NotSeth


Everyone is having a good time on your forum topic. You should be happy it has been so active recently. No one including myself is attacking you in a malice way.

Based on Xavier’s comments, I am not entirely sure that’s accurate (well I know it isn’t). :cry:


@Xavier I think you should help fox. don’t worry about it

Almost everyone accept Xavier. Is that more accurate? The point is still the same. I am sorry he is upset, but he has nothing to be upset about. I think all the forum users LOVE Xavier & Harmony and that is why we are here!

Why you say that @David?

As I told you before, some people want to provoke. @NotSeth has never answered questions about what he would do better if he were a participant and how long he thinks he can last.

So don’t take these things to heart, maybe it’s just envy talking.