
it seems to me that a little more and the tombstone will become a reality instead of a joke.

I agree. Harmony was never the girl to have in a relationship and he realized this so much that he said this whole situation was hurting him. After he left, she went after someone 10 stars and even said that he was getting to know her and she was getting to know him so that we could give things time to flow and now he spends the whole day with each other. It seems like you didn’t learn anything or this was all a puppet and a big lie, now where is the situation with Fox? From the first day I thought/we thought it was strange because Fox tried to move forward and he didn’t do anything which was very strange. Now if they just laugh at her expense? I hope @Flora doesn’t have a hand in this either, if that’s the case, they’ll lose my consideration!

Is this the end?

Maybe he just wants to bury the name and exchange it for another :wink: I remember his question about who named him that and why

Yes :smile:

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Chatting with Harmony causes people to loose respect? :hushed:


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I hope and wish you were right

Well that means the place will be renamed to “Harmony” soon :joy:

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The comments in here…:see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil:

Yes, horrible, most of them! :unamused:

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Where is the sign “RIP Excalibur”? As the poor little guy has been out of commission for some time now… :cry: :eggplant: :headstone:

Твое мнение я спрятал на балконе😜

Is that also where you hide your boner for Fox? :thinking: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Sorry, but that’s funny :rofl:


Here goes my orange juice all over the floor…

I think Xavier is the one you should be apologizing to not me. :joy:

Or maybe it is Excalibur you should be apologizing to? :thinking:

That’ll be a first on this page, in relation to anyone doing such a thing…if it happens.

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