
But that’s exactly where the problem lies. The tenants are contractual partners of the managers, and the managers are (more or less) independent sub-contractors/franchise-partners and the connection to VH…
As far as I know, there are no contracts/contacts between the tenants and VH directly. And thus neither direct control nor real opportunities for VH to intervene, except in the case of the usual serious violations, e.g. violence or drugs


If VH wants to be at least slightly credible, then it must give clear instructions to the managers on what they can and cannot do.

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Then they can shut down about half the apartments. At least the list will be cleared. :grinning:

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I assume that these rules exist. The question is whether and how they can be checked.

In my company there is a system where I can state my opinion anonymously in a kind of survey.

Perhaps VH should create a quarterly survey where they can communicate directly with the tenants in a similar way, bypassing the managers, and general questions are included. For example, how satisfied people are with the managers, where there are opportunities for improvement, or more generally an anonymous exchange of information on satisfaction

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yes and no… most managers don’t demand such a thing… and the apartments where it is apparently required can easily be recognized by the number of different men who (have to) be ‘worked off’ per week
(with exceptions. Some just really have a lot of fun with new men, when I think of Shana for example, before Loki appeared and stayed)

Some tenants would live the way we see them without VH (Carlson, for example), for others it is more work. Or obligation…

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It won’t work. We have already had this debate with VHTV, which has the option of contacting bypassing managers. The problem is that the tenants have been forbidden to contact and have also been fined because of that.

There is one more thing that is problematic. You would need a VHTV which is not influenced. As long as the CEO is personal friends with AL, it is just barking at the moon.


I know that it will remain a theory … but one can hope


I’m afraid the only, but really the only thing that would make a difference is the money drying up. Something will change if these actions lead to the withdrawal or boycott of subscribers and thus to a shrinking of the financial pile.


Unfortunately our disapproval won’t register under VHTV’s bottom line. I think the forum users are only a small fraction of the subscribers, does anyone have numbers on this? So the vast majority will never know, let alone care, about the dismal working conditions. If a handful of us (threaten to) not renew our subscriptions, they won’t even bother to think about it.

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Based on the leaderboard, I came to the conclusion that we have maybe 200 somewhat active users in the forum, + 50 active, and around + 30 very active.

Since it is unlikely that these few users finance the entire system, there will be an unknown number of viewers from whom we will not read anything.

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Yp, true.

We can conclude with the dogs have barked, the caravan moves on.

Sad but true, Metallica


boy what a lot of words…

it’s actually very simple

VHTV is a streaming platform
they have managers who employ tenants

VHTV is only interested in making money, because this is a business model

they don’t care what we think about it, as long as the monthly contribution comes

they also don’t give a damn about how the tenants are doing, the whole company is only out for profit

we can want/demand what we want, it will always be a handout that we receive, maybe because some money can be made from it, but never because we or the tenants are dear to them

for the rest it’s ostrich politics

Ostrich Avestruz GIF by Amnistía Internacional España


But if people don’t know this and have only seen A & L, plus how do you or anyone else distinguish between A&A and A&A?


That or anything legal-wise.

Fennec’s statement gets real close to extortion, slavery, sexual exploitation and unfair working conditions. That is, if its true what she said.

However, with the history of these managers from this realm, the fact that they banned Fennec (online and physical) and the fact that the manager is more worried about some 45 euro camera’s as opposed to debunking Fennec’ statements I guess you don’t need to be a rocketscientist to see who’se probably in the wrong.

Girls like Fennec are probably never going to take this route… but if I was VHTV I would be feeling somewhat scared by now if these incidents continue on happening with the same management.

Someday there might be a girl brave enough, and it could unearth alot of “secrets” of what has happened on this website, this also makes it easier for girls like Fennec, Fox and any others to “hop on” the case like other SA cases.

If it gets to that point, VHTV’s “its not our responsibility, its the managers” will probably be the end of them if they continue that defence.


That’s a nice fantasy.

I assume that VHTV’s lawyers made damn sure that their contracts are waterproof. Also, are you aware what country these girls live in? Their justice system isn’t exactly known to be a paragon of women’s rights. Also, if you want to go the legal route, in that country or another, first thing you need is money for lawyers, which, obviously, they don’t have.

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You need to understand what happened a few years ago in , when some tenants released information to the police, all the realms in those city’s were shut down. You don’t need to involve lawyers to hurt the managers directly.


As I understand it. Well, it’s a land of unlimited possibilities. Almost everyone there is trying to make friends with someone who means something. Because the courts there are a sham and it depends on the court’s decision of guilt or innocence how high you stand or have friends high enough. The whole court system and the police are a big rotten mess. I’m amazed that people can even live in that lawlessness.

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You’re right. This nearly identical scenario has already happened several times with these “managers”, and every time they always make the tenants wrong, devoid of scruples, and use the same old tired lies as excuses. In fact, it’s A&L who are unscrupulous, unethical and immoral. To let them tell it, they are always completely innocent and just as pure as the driven snow.

It was said they fined Fennec $200 for being 15 minutes late reconnecting all of the cameras after her landlord left the premises. Since the cameras were all disconnected, how did these “managers” know when the landlord left.

Since they totally banned Fennec from the site, that completely releases her from any contract she may have signed, making her a free agent and able to contact any manager she chooses.


I totally agree A&L just showed what human shit they are. They can delete this post or ban me I have no sympathy for their behaviour.