
No offense, I’m just making conversation. :smile:

I do sometimes become too passionate. Sorry for that.


Pretty wild how someone can get banned from a forum not only at the request of someone else but even when that person didn’t technically break any forum rules.

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No worries. It’s cool…


Technically speaking, residents cannot be compared to us forum participants… ‘combative’ for us usually means insulting, aggressive towards other users. We are managed by the forum admins and, if necessary, warned and banned.
For the residents, the managers are the administrators, they set up the accounts and also have the power to have them deactivated

at least that’s the case for some residents. some create their own accounts, like us, and are then transferred to the role of ‘participants’.
but I also know that Ariela’s account was created by her manager and the account data was given to her. so this option is also available

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Her post was deleted. Her deleted post shared inside financial information about VHTV/Management. Which is prohibited.

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Oh please…

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Stand Up What GIF by 800 Pound Gorilla Media
I leave for a couple days and come home to this?


The synonyms for “combative” are as follows: aggressive- antagonistic -quarrelsome -argumentative -pugnacious -belligerent -militant -hostile
You can now choose anything you like. Unglaublich was bei VHTV vor sich geht.
Irgendwie tut mir das Mädchen leid


This is total crap. No matter who they claim to be or claim to provide, their name is the only one on the project. They own the company, all the media, and are the sole copyright holder.

Whatever happens at the manager/participant level directly affects VHTV’s bottom line.

Right now, the slave owners, aka A&A, are down to one apartment, so I’ve read. This negatively affects VHTV’s bottom line. As long as A&A are allowed to continue with their shitty “management” ploys and tactics, which are designed to only fill their pockets, participants will continue to quit.

This will continue to eat away at VHTV’s bottom line, unless something is done to stop them, and VHTV is the only one who can and should fix this.

In addition, this is Fennec’s life. She should be able to live it as she decides and with whom she chooses as a manager. This slaver’s tactic of forever being tied to A&A as their “managers” is complete bullshit and should never be allowed in any contract.

You can’t control people like that. You also can’t blackmail and extort people. That’s illegal.


you believed it because you wanted to believe it christian slater GIF

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A & A are not the managers of this realm or who you are referring to, it’s A & L.


Maybe he thinks Adyren got back together with Aylin. A true VHTV couple. Their relationship was definitely 100% nature and not influenced by Flora or her managers at all.

No Way Bird GIF


But, most likely because you refuse to let them go to another manager.

Not just in this situation. This kind of shit has happened several times with the two of you. I for one believe what people show me, not what they tell me because often times what people say is just a pack of lies.

If Fox does return to you, it will most likely be because you refuse to let her choose another manager.


Fairy Tale Yes GIF


Can someone please explain to me the difference between a manager and a pimp?

A pimp’s main function is to keep all responsibility of what happens in those rooms away from the brothel owners. The brothel only ever provides the platform. And the ladies all work, of course, independently. Only they are really owned by the pimps. The pimps keep the ladies in line and keep the business running. When you’re owned by a pimp it’s not up to you to decide if you’d prefer to work for another pimp. It’s also not up to you to decide how much of the money you earn actually ends up in your pocket. And when you misbehave you get “fined”.


I realize English is not your first language, and I know translators are not always the best tools in the world, but I couldn’t find a single definition or synonym that said “combative” means to ask questions.

I’ve also never seen or heard of “combative” being used in that way in 70 years. Here’s an example.

Definitions from Oxford Languages
Combative: adjective

ready or eager to fight; pugnacious.
"he made some enemies with his
combative style"


spoiling for a fight


Lina’s name is Alina. It was shortened to Lina, so people wouldn’t think they were Anna & Alex.
:+1: :blush:


I think Julio137347 summed it up exactly. A&L will of course talk about how great they are and the bad people just want to rob them. It’s been said before. It may even be true. They probably only went this far to make up for the debt A&L owed them. Only if it’s true about the thefts. A&L is all about the money for themselves, but this time they’ve gone too far.

There have already been reports from Fox about ‘having to meet quotas per day’ and ‘working despite health problems’. And ‘refusing to return equipment with the intention of selling’ was the reason for Cinderella’s dismissal and ban.

both with this management…
the stories seem to inexplicably repeat themselves

of course, it could all be a coincidence, or a ‘gang of thieving/greedy girls vs. management’… if someone want to believe that :clown_face:

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Everything is the responsibility of VHTV and not the managers. So VHTV has to fix the problems.

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