
Awww that is so cute :slight_smile:


I do not think so:


Donā€™t think you need an account to read the forum. I certainly didnā€™t. So I think she could read them if she wanted to, but she prolly has other things on her mind right now.


WTF, you have to be kidding me!?
Steve Harvey Reaction GIF


Can we conclude that VHTV is strictly on the side of the managers and doesnā€™t give a shit about tenants?


Thatā€™s a bit harsh I thinkā€¦ But itā€™s hard for us users to understand what is goinā€™ on tbh. @AlexLina just say, we are good, we treat people good, but thereā€™s an NDA in place so we cannot say anythingā€¦

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I have that thought as well. I also have a feeling that this will also cost VHTV subscription renewals and subscriptions of those that have been on the forum, never having a subscription thinking of getting oneā€¦but wonā€™t now. And again I donā€™t think they care as there will always be someone to replace those that donā€™t renew. I have to say for my part the more I see of this and some of the voidance that in a number cases VHTV has done nothing about turns my stomach. I dealt with far to many domestic valence cases when I was working. This just keeps me from getting another subscription.

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Deer Popcorn GIF


VHTV ist alles egal solange die abos bezahlt werden,Die Manager und Bewohner kƶnnen machen was und wie sie es wollen.Das sieht man in mehreren Wohnungen schon lƤnger


Oh I fully understand how it works.

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They look deliciousā€¦

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Let me rephrase that.

Only VHTV can ban a user based on information or actions on the forum. In this case, the information was only from AL. We already know how much their word is worth. Fennec published only a single post asking for help, which was immediately deleted.

You can bet that VHTV did not have any conversation with Fennec. Or her complaints were given absolutely no consideration.

Old users are well familiar with this tactic of sweeping things under the rug. Every tenant who complained was banned and branded as a camera thief.

On the other hand, the various bullies and rapists are allowed to carry on peacefully, usually with some ridiculous alcohol restriction.


Sadly we have seen this far to often!


I get youā€¦ But I think she deleted the message herself, as it was not meant to be posted hereā€¦

Apart from that, I agree with you. Those cams most be worth alot.

Yes it is odd from business point of view regarding your last paragraph. Beating women, cruelty to animals, scamming. Not something we like to see here in the civilized part of the worldā€¦


there is a quantity of shit exists that canā€™t be covered by NDA or even friendship - sometime you must choose - good biusness or your old friends from migrate campā€¦


While you have an odd way of saying it, I suppose I agree?


combative in English means - ask questions?
just about stats and change a terrible managent?


She did, thatā€™s why I say she didnā€™t break the forum rules to earn a ban.

The warning states that she is combative. On what basis? Did she come to VHTV headquarters and break furniture?

She was given this label solely on the information provided by AL. What that information is, we know very well.

Conclusion, the young girl was cut only on the basis of the managerā€™s lie. All the blame is placed on the little young girl by the actions of VHTV. Must be some kind of super humanā€¦


combative: aggressive/clear/louder in argumentation, I would assume in this case. Having legitimate demands and wanting to enforce them sometimes doesnā€™t work with begging and pleading, you have to be clearer. And apparently someone doesnā€™t like it when someone makes demands
Bans like these are usually requested by the managers and not necessarily checked for correctness/legality by VH


Here, have a chill pill dude. Iā€™m on your side. Translator not working as intended I guessā€¦

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