
Wonders happen. Sometimes people even instantly recover from terminal illnesses :partying_face:


I was in the same frame of mind as you were after I read her post. It was the equivalence of walking into your bosses office and telling him/her what an asshole he/she is and they can go fuck them selves and then expect your still going to have a job. But if she pulled the plug or the manager did I have a feeling she would have left on her own accord anyways with the way she was being treated.

Would love to see her back but this looks like at the end of the day this turned out to be a bad experience for her financially. So unless she can find a really good manager I doubt she’ll be back.

I wish her all the best as she goes forward in life.


Who the fuck would even buy those pure shite well used cameras when you can buy brand new 4k cameras for 40 euros


Now with the “daily quota” in mind
 I also feel bad for Fox’ her “numbers”.

We can see now where that came from
 :sob: :thinking: :eggplant:


If (allegedly) Aderyn , Inga helped Fennec to cheat.
Would these helpers be responsible for the cheating?

So they would also be unacceptable. If 2 Russian men are so careful and do nothing about a woman who is pregnant.

@kaya You know the culture as well as I do, you can perhaps tell that to someone who is only 5 years old and lives in India 
 but not us, right?

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I think he meant Inga and Aderyn (the guys), were sent to pick up the cams. Dunno why he called them “the guys”.

Again, I just do not understand what you are talking about at all. What AlexLina said is that Aderyn and Inga helped Alex and Lina to collect the equipment. I just tried to tell that you might misunderstood them, and therefore literally have no idea what your last couple of posts are about


It’s just sad that she is is gone because she A very lovely girl and her and her friend knew how to have fun cause a lot of these rooms now they just walk around naked They’re doing something and that’s enough

Who is Alex and Lina? Dont remenber them.


So Aderyn & Inga were kicked out by Fennec?!

Aderyn was so worried about his pregnant Inga that he left without cameras.

But they had turned off the laptop beforehand and done various things 

I call this Russian fairy tale 

(I had briefly understood AL to mean that there were supposedly two other men there and they hadn’t done anything because of Inga).


The bottom line is that this all sounds like a bunch of scoundrels taking advantage of girls with little brains. Either VHT changes the model or the so-called “administrators” will be their grave.

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First participants

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I think that’s the wrong way of thinking. I would put it differently: you can’t choose your manager yourself. You come somewhere as a guest, are tempted to join yourself, and because you can’t choose, you are tied to the manager whose apartments you were contacted through. 
 and only afterwards do you realize what a trap you’ve gotten yourself into. Especially when you’re only told about the advantages, but not how it really works


It kind of makes me wonder now if Cinderella actually took the cameras from their room when they all of a sudden went off fly because that was just the same story that was told to us about them

I’m not sure what you mean i have a right to reply here what has been a moments operator got to do with it.

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Hey kaya, it wasn’t me who set this topic on fire. Aren’t you proud of me? :hugs:

Dumpster Fire GIF by MOODMAN


Relatively, when you enter this type of let’s call it “show”, you must be very aware of the type of people you may encounter.

Fire is fine, please feel free to treat yourself to some roasted marshmallows


Is this the same Alex & Lina

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It is certainly sold as easy money, that’s clear. A certain naivety coupled with a possibly existing situation of pressure, such as urgently needing money, quickly leads to unfortunate decisions

especially when the story begins with a ‘honey trap’ that gives no warnings
 or is it part of the dark side of the business itself