
If you wanted a participant from another manager so that was possible right?

This has happened in the past. I once mentioned a man with the initial letters M … who came from another manager and was also permanently in an apartment there.

Why couldn’t a Fennec change? She asks for it and the cameras are taken away from her.

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Пример неуместен) ты все еще не знаешь всего… жаль
Мы не должны делиться этой информацией. И мы не имеем на это права. Вы цивилизованные люди, и вы соблюдаете соглашения в реальной жизни, верно? Подписав соглашение о неразглашении, я пообещал не раскрывать его.


None of this matters. Fenec has expressed that she wants to deal with new management. If you are not so bad as you claim, then why is this such an issue? If you want to shut down her apartment and she wants to switch to new managers, then what’s the problem?


Yes but we want it to be fair and no stress to be put on the participants. Everything needs to come naturally it’s real life situations i want to see not a daily set schedule that everyone needs to abide by and have to have sex the whole time or whatever.


You are a MO,

Just out of curiosity, how much of the last 2 or 3 hours in this topic really is in relation to Fennec?


and why didn’t she say that she stole our cameras? and that she borrowed a lot of money from us and doesn’t plan to return it? why, after such an attitude, should we let her work with our equipment??? she has advice from us on how to fulfill the plan, and not a rule so that she feels comfortable on the project financially.


Probably not that much - however, what does it have to do with being a MO? =)


Many people mix MO and TL4

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That’s a lie.

Every single word you write is a lie.

Can we start posting into the topic the SMS messages you send to your tenants?


The last thing was A & I with her and then it was offline.

That would mean that A&I, who also belong to you, helped Fennec to steal cameras.

Maybe they are still with your employees …

It’s strange that cameras are always suddenly stolen from you when there’s trouble with the participants, with whom you’re still so fond of x years after the end of your participation.

The cameras must have been stolen right now …

All the participants only ever want to cheat you and you are so kind as to give them the opportunity to work for free for a month. You also send male performers so that the girls don’t suffer from sex deprivation.

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If you scammed me out of a lot of money, I’d steal your shit too.


I’m tired of proving anything to you, and I don’t want to anymore. Everyone has the right to their own opinion. The guys came to visit and would have removed the equipment if they hadn’t been kicked out in a harsh manner. And even then, they would have removed it with the intention of returning it to us. The guys left because they got pregnant. And we parted ways with them on a good note. And they warned us that your favorite Fennec is already selling our cameras in chats) All the best to everyone. One way or another, the truth will be on the side of the right.


This is where all participants and manager’s should be made to become members so during conflict you could comment on each others actions and we can view the discussions

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One more thing…Flora then accused Fox of stealing AND SELLING your cameras. How come you are on such friendly terms now?

And you’re not tired of proving, you’re just getting deeper and deeper into mud.

Lies, lies, lies…


You didnt prove anything, Fennec gave a list of complaints and all you did was talk over it and keep going on about “stolen cameras”. How much money did you receive from bullshit fines (aka stole money that she made in the house when she occupied it)?

Also weird all your previous tendants left suddenly and all got banned.


Well can you at tell us if you are open anymore rooms like in the next few days??

Let’s assume that this is true.

So today you must have lost Aderyn , Inga and Fennec as loyal (former) partners, right?

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I find it strange that this is happening to you again and again…[/sarcasm] and nowhere else. It’s hard not to see a pattern


They just said Aderyn and Inga helped them


We always do :wink: