
dann hätten sie aber auch in ihrer wohnung bleiben können. wenn ich dran denke wie lange queen noch hochschwanger auf sendung war hat es mich schon etwas gewundert, wie ‘früh’ die beiden sich zum abschied entschlossen hatten.
aber ok, sich ein neues leben aufzubauen braucht zeit, und jeder hat da andere pläne


that s about 8$ a day… wow
And you can’t donate directly to participants to help them. They go to managers who then apparently give 70% to participants.

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I’m going to miss Fennec thank you for all the :fire:moments I wish her nothing but the best :hugs:


just so there is no confusion: this is yet another team of managers, with no connections to Fennec


More and more good participants left the project recently. I think management need to do something. Otherwise will lose huge amount of subscribers. I even don’t know who should I follow rn. :face_exhaling:

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That is the thousand dollar question. You would like to think that VHTV would step in to help participants. However the argument is that any agreements are between the participant and their manager. Not between VHTV as they only provide the platform for broadcasts.


Personally, I think each Participant should be able to manage themself


Fennec did not leave the project on her own will.
Their managers send their minions Aderyn & Inga there under the disguise of a friendly visit. They disconnected her and collected the equipment. What great friends they are. With such friends you do not need any enemies.

The reason she got kicked out is that she refused to pay a 200$ fine their managers invented for her as she connected her place 15! minutes too late (In view of her mangers) after the last landlord visit. There is no such rule and she never signed a contract saying that.
As usual she got banned now to visit other places as well and also to choose a different manager.

Maybe this time VHTV will see how stupid and mean that is and show some common sense? :roll_eyes:


As far as I know that case by now the opposite is the case.


Basically, they wanted to take off another 200$ of her 500$ salary for the past 2 months?
Who are the managers?


I don’t understand anything about this business, but it seems to me that 50 people knocking on the same door to solve minor problems is not very productive.

A manager filtering problems and forwarding only those he cannot resolve may be the solution.

Hierarchy exists in any company, managers, branches…

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In technical jargon, ‘slave owner’ might be the better term


To many good participants leaving due to bad management and VHTV should step in to support them, surely that way everyone is happy.


I’m glad you mentioned this. I wasn’t sure I should say anything in case it got certain people in trouble. But thank you for making this public. More people need to realize how scummy this management team are.

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Given that these managers have been allowed to do this for the 5 years that I have been here, I am afraid that money will always be the winner here.

As for Aderyn, she is a sly fox hiding behind a pretty smile. I must not use more appropriate adjectives, because the ban will quickly fall. Is Flora’s right-hand replacement for those “managers”.


The % rate that participants receive is regulated in the “contract” between participant and manager.

Any “special costs”, administration fees, penalties etc. are also regulated there.

Sometimes there are different interpretations of what is in the contract and what payments must be made.

Certain managers have quite short apartment durations …


It is against the rules of the forum to say that.


Thank you for letting me know. I see the apartment is no longer (I have read elsewhere - you’ll know what I mean - about the logistics of that) but thankfully I still have an accessible timeline to view things. :slight_smile:


VHTV says there are no complaints with them. All franchise partners (as the managers are called) do a good job.

VHTV is only a platform provider and says itself that the contractual partner is the manager.

If the manager employs his workers … oops my subscribers don’t get paid, that’s not VHTV’s problem …

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And also revise their opinion about Aderyn & Inga

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