Dylan & Kylara

Yes. Participants or manager have their right to ask for offline if they have reasons

The reason there clearly was to avoid a fine :wink:

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Why not? No v_______n is better than v_______n:)

Did not say it is not right. In fact it is good when manager looks after his/her places. Best of course is when it does not come to such situations…

It’s been saved, it’ll be available with the next update :wink:

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Where does it cross the line to censorship. Precautionary offline in case there might happen some v_______n later, that sounds abit thin to me. It’s the second time in a few weeks in this place. Both times it was just because some guests got alittle bit too _____. Nothing serious happened.
Anna & Alex have lost most of their credit in my eyes. They used to have several great party-apartments. Now they are just playing it too safe. Only casting boring and predictable tenants, and taking strong precautionary measurements against the ones who are actually trying to have parties.

Yeah, maybe manager should only request that after a stabbing or m____ring happens on cam

Violence (and the other serious v_______ns) on cams can put the project in danger or bring unwanted attention. So avoiding what could happen after (what you called) minor episodes of violence (was what happened with summer and silas) is a smart decision for managers and for VH.

Of course it should be put offline if there might be a serious situation. But the issue is that both the manager and alot of viewers on the forum have a tendency to blow things way out of proprtions. There was no potential for violence yesterday. A girl was crying and hyperventilating, the boyfriend was comforting her, and she calmed down. If this developement continues it might soon be online only when they’re smiling and having sex.

Come on you really think we will miss something crucial in that place? :upside_down_face:

The viewers can blow things way out of proportions with or without reasons, that’s have 0 importance as it’s not them (viewers) that decide anything no matter 1 or 5K tickets about it. The tickets i do is just to inform the support about something. The decision is always up to Support team that see, analyses and contacts (in case of) the tenants/manager about the issues. So blaming viewers for anything doesn’t make any sense at all. Also, what is serious? and it’s serious to you? to me? to others? to support?

About yesterday i have no idea on what happened, my reply on this was focused essentially because you brought up the violence episode between summer & silas that lead to managers decide to keep the place offline as was unable to contact any of them (if i remember well) and put that in the same bag as yesterday

That’s not and can’t be the point of the situation

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Very true. :+1: :+1:

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I know I was referring to that he thought he missed something. :wink:

But to him, for what he likes he may have loss… And surely for him as a viewer is bad they react this way, i understand that. What i think is that the point of safety on why they take the decision is more “important” then viewers be pissed because they lost that moments

Yes of course.

Yes, the violence episode between summer & silas was atleast something, but in my subjective opinion, I still don’t think it should have warranted 9 hours of of offline time. It was pretty minor, but I guess it’s a question of where each of us set our limits. Yesterday was even less serious. Maybe it doesn’t matter too much for most of you, but for me this is a sad developement. In princip, there should be as little offline time as possible. For the exact same reason that there should be as few blindspots as possible.

I agree with you on your other point. The viewers and forum members can not be said to be guilty of anything. Other than being an annoyance. VHTV is partly to blame, because atleast in past, they have been pretty trigger-happy with the fines. In this specific, I blame mostly the managers who are trying too hard to play it safe. You can see it in other things too. Even the parties at Scott’s place has become really calm and controled in the last 4-5 months.

I’m not saying it should be totally anarchy and no consequences. But if they will never take a risk, because something unpleasant might or might not happen, then there will never be any spontaneous and exciting things happening either.

Voyeurism is alot more than nudity and orgies. Not everyone want to see the same thing as you, Jabbath.

Exactly! I think if something happened or not is also irrelevant, it’s equally frustrating to miss moments.

Another domestic between Katarina and Dmitri this morning. The common factor in this as with the meltdown the other night seems to be the presence of the curvy guest girl who was here again. Is Dmitri paying just a little too much attention? Is Katarina feeling a bit jealous or insecure? Can those who understand Russian provide us with some knowledge?

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What’s up with the couple who s___ps in the living room? The girl has been crying nonstop for over an hour, and the guy is just watching his phone.

Can I just say that I’m in love with this little kitten that they have living with them? So cute!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: