Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

Yeah I watched that earlier and it made me laugh when he said he is speaking perfect Polish as his pronunciation was terrible. :rofl:

:laughing: I love his videos though. So if this was the day before Russia invaded then Iā€™m guessing he must have got caught up in it. He didnā€™t say anything in his video description :thinking:

Putin is playing a very dangerous game threatening the west with nuclear war. The best possible scenario now is if the people of Russia rise up against him, oust him out of office and the troops voluntarily move out of Ukraine immediately.

ā€œThe only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothingā€ (Edmund Burke)


Lasst uns hoffen, dass das russische Volk so rasch als mƶglich sich trotz Gefahren im eigenen Land vehement und stark gegen seinen intronisierten PrƤsidenten und seine Oligarchen stemmt.

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No he is fine and is staying with Johnny FD in Kyiv and they did a live stream today and Ben was eating his breakfast in the background. :slight_smile:

I didnā€™t know Johnny had a YouTube channel. I found it and Iā€™ll check it out. Its good to know everyone is safe. Thanks for letting me know as I have something more to watch :+1:

Anonymous are having fun tonight taking down Russian and Belarusian websites. :laughing:

One of them is the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Belarus


This article says, the reason for the invasion is Putins fear of a succesful democracy in Ukrain.

Justice you have not understood a brick of how the world outside russia is working!

I think you may very well be right as those air raid sirens earlier were in four Ukrainian cities tonight. :+1: :slight_smile:

whatever i write i get banned from voyeur-house.tv ā€¦

Huh? Why is this?

maybe because i canā€™t wait to see putin die ā€¦

Haha. I donā€™t think people will get mad at you for that.

Whose banning you Andre?

Youvā€™e always been level headed as far as I can see. :slight_smile:

what makes me nervous is the fact that most of the russians and like the rest of the world that they are good people and donā€™t want war did everything putin ā€¦

facebook blocked my comments because I said putin must die.

And you are an example of them and I can only feel deep sorrow for the people of Russia :frowning:

Facebook are overzealous when it comes to that sort of thing and I am sorry that your passion as words and desperation and not a literal threat got you blocked. :frowning:

I even think that these soldiers, the Russian soldiers now on their way to Kyiv, that they could be good friends with the Ukranian fighters. Put them together in a bar, give each of them a beer, not too much, play some good music, put on the tv with some sports game and everybody would have a good time and they would be friends in no time.
But no. They became soldiers, they convinced them that they have to go to this country and shoot at everything that moves. They are not bad people. They just got the wrong information and the really bad people fucked with their heads.