Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

Great to read about the integrity of Mr Olaf Scholz all of a sudden.
Must be a great comfort to all the others helping Ukraine after trying to drop the UK in the s__t.
Who the fuck needs enemies with friends like this eh.
A quote from todays UK news…

Germany has been accused of a ‘flagrant a___e of intelligence’ after Chancellor Olaf Scholz claimed British troops are helping Ukraine launch long-range missiles at Putin’s f___es.
Scholz said on Monday that he would not deliver German-made long-range missiles as it would require German troops to assist on the ground, arguing that following the UK’s lead would make his nation a ‘participant in the war.’

What a tosser!!!

I know that i can’t share where the participants come from but in some apartements we have people from the both Countries living together with no problems. Too bad it’s only here.

It isn’t the general public of both countries that are the problem it’s the leaders who cause the problem.

So @kaya you obviously think Mr Putin is an angel then do you :roll_eyes:

Well, as you said the leaders of both countries… i can easily see why she gave you the thumb down.

Yeah like I don’t remember Zelensky sending troops to Russia🤪

As yes, perhaps i didn’t phrase it that well, sorry @kaya :hugs:

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I stand with Ukraine…


Such gifts are sent to the invaders every day to make them realize that they have nowhere to hide from their big brother ZSU

Rest in Pieces …
what an unnecessary waste of human life

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I always here the argument that religion is the main cause of conflicts in the world. Russians and Ukrainians have the same religion so why are they k__ling each other. There was a lot of fear-mongering in Europe by far right regarding the threat of muslim invasion but they are getting invaded and attacked by Russia which is ironically a christian country

you forgot the second main cause that still exists: greed

almost every war can be traced back to these two reasons
the third or half cause is perhaps revenge… but this is usually a result of greed or religion and in my eyes not an independent cause

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Russia has a huge territory extending all the way to the pacific, why would they be greedy about a tiny piece of land in Eastern Ukraine compared to what they have.

Because Putin wants to put the USSR back together. So he thinks he owns all the old countries west of current Russia.


to put it very, very simply: the “tiny piece of Ukraine” is the industrial center with raw materials, coal and steel construction. the ‘rest’ are wheat fields. in addition, Ukraine ‘blocks’ the way to the Black Sea and the Russian fleet. both are essential for the ambitions of becoming a world power again… even if the Russian fleet has shrunk a little in the meantime. but that is certainly not what Putin had imagined

Also resentment. Hitler had this as a main reason too.

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50% of the black sea fleet are already conducting special operations at the bottom of the sea :joy::joy::see_no_evil:


So why not re-annex Georgia and then Russia will get more access to the Black sea. Since it’s further away from European union none would care.

because the government there is already seemingly subservient to Moscow (or well on its way to becoming so) … like Belarus. Otherwise there would not be this pro-Russian “anti-foreign influence law” against which there have been such massive demonstrations in recent weeks

so why conquer something that secretly already belongs to you… even if it doesn’t look like it from the name

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Do you mean like the Russia Friendly governement of Ukraine before 2014?

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