Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

The same spokeswoman who was suprised during a press conference by questions by press and tv reporters that questioned the Kremlins version of events in the Ukraine.

Hi boy! Did you ever been on war? Im from Donetsk, I’m Ukrainian, I was there when war starts in 2014. Hope you will never know war in your city.


Err like you know who I am and where I live? What is the point you are trying to make?

Did you ever watch rocket explosions from your window?

Oh please don’t fucking start something. Aren’t you in enough s__t as it is right now? The answer is yes but not from a window but a balcony in Zagreb during the Balkans war. So could you please pull your horns back in because arguing is not going to get anyone anywhere or change what is happening. The most important thing that can be done right now is support those who are in need.

Im in Netherlands. Thank you, boy. How it was in Zagreb? Tell me please did you supporting russian invasion to Ukraine?

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Zagreb was scary as hell. I think nighttime was worse because you could see the arclight from he front line as well as hear it. Sound travels differently at night and always being in shelling range was a constant worry besides rockets. I hate what is going on in Ukraine. Russia should have stayed out!

Doing routine checks on trucks, Dutch Police found this driver from Charkov. His bankaccount is blocked. The Police provided him with food and _____s.

Meanwhile they did a call out to everybody to help truckdrivers from Ukrain.

Putin must be judged. Thank you, friend, for support. Дякую!

You are welcome and Best Wishes to you and your people. Putin will have to pay a big price for this. The West MUST NOT let him get away with war crimes.

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Are you all aware that , while we are watching the development in Ukraine, Putin is sending troops to several countries in South America? Nicaragua, Venezuela, Argentina, and Cuba just to list a few. This is not about Ukraine. This is about the World. !!!

Putin - new Hitler!

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We?.Sounds like more than you.

Maybe we can start paying with Bitcoin instead.

think some moron thinks it’s all fake like covid 19


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Origine du monde Russe Origine de la guerre. Russe

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Someone is playing the Ukraine anthem on a Trumpet in Kyiv, when there is a gunfight going on in the city tonight.


Have you gotten any s___p?

Yeah I had about six hours :slight_smile:

It’s hard to s___p at the moment, even our neighbours are finding it the same We did have some good news though in that we managed to get hold of Maria’s uncle and the family is safe, so it was worth not s___ping. :slight_smile:

It sounds like as well that the Russians are not having it all their way and the Ukrainians are putting up a massive resistance.