Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

I’m sorry to hear that, my heart goes out to you. Don’t listen to that idiot anyone that can make jokes at a time like this, it just shows the character of the man and I use the word man loosely coz he’s no man, and has no respect for anybody but himself. My prayers are with you :pray: :heart:

You did the right thing and you saved her. Now if you dont have military backround go somewhere and stay safe you cant just grab a weapon and shoot

Because there is a man with a broken heart here and I couldn’t care a flying fuck about your stupid sensitivities, take it elsewhere, I am not interested.

Sorry to all but I am tired of these self-centred old fucks here who quote stupidity about World War II which has no relevance whatsoever and and couldn’t care less about a man who has lost everything in his world, FFS GET A GRIP and get your priorities in order. I need a timeout as I am too angry…!!!

Θα σου απαντησω στη γλωσσα μου για να σ απαντησω οπως πρεπει. Δεν εισαι ουτε ο θεος του φορουμ ουτε ο κριτης του τι θα λεγεται και τι οχι . Δεν εχεις το δικαιωμα ουτε να κρινεις ουτε να διακωμωδεις την αποψη κανενος. Κοινως αν δεν μπορεις να συζητησεις σκασε.

I hear that Putin is willing to talk? Ukrain must stay neutral he says.

I would’t trust him.

Kiev is without electricity, the Russians bomb the city’s power station.

petite info

La Russie “limite” l’accès à Facebook, accusé de censurer des médias russes et de violer les droits humains et des citoyens russes

last-ditch attempt

All the russian people go out of Europe

Russia threatens ‘military and political consequences’ if Finland, Sweden try joining NATO

Putin has finally lost his mind.

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They were manipulated and left her alone

Take of yourself. Try to stay as safe as you can. Getting Emili out safely was a great thing you did. Always remember that. :heart:

I already said it and they ridiculed me

History repeats itself

January 1936, the German Chancellor and Führer Adolf Hitler decided to remilitarize the Rhineland (Nothing was done to stop him)

1938 Hitler demanded the annexation of the Sudetenland into Germany.

Neville Chamberlain “appeasement”

Sept. 30, 1938 | Hitler Granted the Sudentenland by Britain, France and Italy (Got away with what he want)

On March 12, 1938, German troops march into Austria to annex the German-speaking nation for the Third Reich.( once again unopposed)

The invasion of Poland 1 September – 6 October 1939 (the start of WW2)

Can anyone see the correlation between Hitler and Putin? Georgia, Annexation of Crimea, the invasion of Ukraine ?? What next the Baltic states?? and after that???

I am waiting for some clever scholar and the are plenty on this Forum that I am wrong

I really don’t see it going as far as Hitler. The only next step would be Nuclear war for him. I don’t think he will go that far. Yes he will take all he can get but not NATO backed areas. IMO No one wants that to happen…

and for kosovo, libya, iraq eh where were you eh these were not invasions

There will be no nuclear. Nuclear weapon of mutual destruction. You fire one I will fire one. Do you think Putin will presses the button knowing that they will also press the button on the other side??