Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

Never knew sex was that explosive :rofl:

they don’t want to conquer or use anything for themselves. all putin wants is scorched earth. in his twisted head he prefers a dead country, which the west can’t use against him… :-/

in one of my chats the device is called entruzzer2000 (possible translation deruzzian2000)

Also to bring the Ukraine back into Imperial’s Russia’s control.

Russia using ‘Frankenstein’ tanks due to losses in Ukraine

Russia is using “Frankenstein” tanks during its invasion of Ukraine due to losing a massive number of armoured vehicles, a Ukrainian news outlet has reported.

According to the Kyiv Post, the Kremlin’s f___es have already lost as many as 1,700 tanks in Ukraine.

The UK’s Ministry of Defence has previously said this includes vehicles from the 1st Guards Tank Army - an elite fighting f___e, which is now being equipped with 60-year-old T-62 tanks.

In a bid to battle against the significant losses, some desperate Russian commanders appear to be improvising tanks from spare parts to fill the gap the gap in their armoury, the Kyiv Post said.

Images on social media have appeared to show tanks and other Russian vehicles fitted with overhead cages and naval turrets.

Hamish de Bretton-Gordon, a British military analyst, told the news site that Islamic State fighters had fielded similar vehicles in the Middle East.

“The fact that a supposed first-world army is cobbling together different bits of kit not dissimilar to terrorist organizations like al-Qaeda and ISIS hopefully shows the perilous state of the Russian army,” he said.

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What is so sad it will take at least a decade to get any life back into these area’s, no doubt many more and that isn’t accounting for the terrible loss and wasted lives of purely innocent people.
It just doesn’t bear thinking about, it’s enough to make one just break down and cry it really is.

Putin singlehandedly destroyed his own country and seeing how much everything has gone up in price over the last year the Russian people won’t be able to have a decent life since they won’t be able to afford much of anything. I suppose once Putin is gone then voyeur cam sites might restart and even grandparents will want to participate to have a place to stay and eat to survive.

It is a shock for the likes of us who have never known war but for our parents and grandparents it was an all too familiar nightmare.

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Unfortunately very true although back in WW1 & 2 there was never the devastation the Ukranians have now seen in their country, miles and miles of it just reduced to rubble thanks to modern missiles.
Yes we had our cities hit and areas flattened as did the Germans but not on this scale. It’s just horrendous.
This image which was posted recently is just unimaginable and beggars belief…


I hope that the IOC ban any athlete from Russia and Belarus from competing, but I don’t think that will happen

In that case I hope a lot of countries will boycott them…

Yes so very sad and disturbing, just ruination everywhere both in land and families.
Should never happen in this day and age, and for what?

The IOC will not ban them. They will put them under the Olympic national flag as the athletes had nothing to do with the war.

Meat Grinder GIF

All russian athletes in all sports ( including tennis) should be banned unless they are prepared to stand up and pubicly denounce what Russia is doing to Ukraine.

I just wish the Russian people would stand up and denounce what that scumbag is doing to the Ukrainian people.Despite what his propaganda machine pumps out every day the general public must know by now what is really going on,and yeh i know it’s difficult for them with the threat of the security f___es.