Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

or is it also because Finland has no significant Russian ( or pro Russian) minority?

I’m more concerned about their dog, where is he going ?

Guys it would be better if you would only post words of support in their own chat at this present time. All this crap should not be here, I don’t think it would be a nice read for Emily & Stayls under the present circumstances. Hopefully @jabbath1987 can get this moved somewhere else. :+1:

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I think Emily and Stayls went to watch the fireworks outside.

Thinking of you all.be safe god speed!

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Probably will.but not until it’s safe again. They’ll will others probably will leave as well.

War reached Russia (Rostov Region) :cry:

dictateur, tu parles de qui Putin. tu crois que y a de la démocratie dans l’ue, les cabinets de conseil us et les us sont a la manoeuvre dans l’ue mais toi ça te vas, va prendre ta 4 ème doses de vaccins mec. L’ue est géré par des financiers si vraiment c’était des gens avec des couilles, ils auraient défendus l’ukraine, mais non ils font juste des sanctions mais provisoires, car ils savent qu’ils sont dépendant de la russie, gaz, exportations. Comme a dit le président ukrainien , le ukraine est laissé seule face a la russie.

Thanks for moving that posts @jabbath1987 :+1:

The stuff thats going on is scary​:disappointed_relieved: and I’m just worried about all of that participants on the site and Im just sending my thoughts and prayers to everybody and hoping that everybody is safe and sound :pray::heart: I just want everybody to know that all :grinning:


Same here from the USA…stay safe to all my Russian and Ukrainian friends


Ukraine is +2 hours of GMT so the majority of the participants are out of this zone. I note that Amelie and Lucas are offline and they are in +2GMT. Worrying times for all of us.

They are safe and sent a message earlier.


Yes.I believe their is only 4 or 5 of them realms. Hopefully they will all find safety And be out of harms way! But still yet still great concerns for the other realms as well! Especially if worse comes to worse.

I also did a ticket this morning to warn realms in the Rostov area as there was a missile attack this morning … I won’t disclose what places by now. So do not ask.

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I’m expecting surrender within the next 24 hours.


Sad to say, but I do believe that that will be the case :sob:

I can’t get any information on Lucas, scares me to death.

I do not think it will go so fast…

The question is how the nation will react to the capture of the President and the seizure of government offices.