Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

In 1989 the people of the Soviet union/USSR spoke because they wanted “freedoms” as in any forward thinking country would,and how you can think a Communist regime like their’s was/is the way forward is beyond me

BTW in case you hadn’t noticed Putin and his band of dark age thinkers illegally invaded a sovereign nation, not on mate.

No, they were not united they were controlled with limited freedom and in most cases in total poverty. If you speak to people of these areas then you will know the real truth of the former USSR and not what you see on your media and what you pluck from your backside…!!!

If you have some twisted notion that they were brothers then just Google ‘Holodomor’ and you will get some idea of the resentment that many Ukrainians hold against Russia.

Basic history… World War II didn’t start until 1939, six years after Stalin’s man-made famine, learn your history as it really isn’t that hard. Russia entered the war by invading Poland on 17 September 1939.

No twisting facts here, just plain historic truth.

The Holodomor (Ukrainian: Голодомо́р, romanized: Holodomor, IPA: [ɦolodoˈmɔr]; derived from морити голодом, moryty holodom, ‘to k__l by starvation’), also known as the Terror-Famine or the Great Famine, was a man-made famine in Soviet Ukraine from 1932 to 1933 that k__led millions of Ukrainians. The Holodomor famine was part of the wider Soviet famine of 1932–1933 which affected the major grain-producing areas of the country.

While scholars universally agree that the cause of the famine was man-made, whether the Holodomor constitutes a genocide remains in dispute. Some historians conclude that the famine was planned and exacerbated by Joseph Stalin in order to eliminate a Ukrainian independence movement. Others suggest that the famine arose because of rapid Soviet industrialisation and collectivisation of agriculture.

Ukraine was one of the largest grain-producing states in the USSR, and as a result was hit particularly hard by the famine. Early estimates of the death toll by scholars and government officials vary greatly. A joint statement to the United Nations signed by 25 countries in 2003 declared that 7–10 million died. However, current scholarship estimates a range significantly lower, with 3.5 to 5 million victims. The famine’s widespread impact on Ukraine persists to this day.

Since 2006, the Holodomor has been recognized by Ukraine alongside 15 other countries, as a genocide against the Ukrainian people carried out by the Soviet regime.

Again you are just making yourself look stupid in your limited knowledge and you seem to pluck so-called information out of your ass.

“Great patriotic war”, only a Russian or fan of Russia would use that term as no other country does as there is nothing patriotic about sending millions of people to death to appease your own idealism. Maybe if you like Russia so much you should fuck off there @Justice57844 as then at least you would know the real facts about things like many repressed Russians do today - at least the young do, but being a geriatric fool like yourself you would fit right in with the other brainwashed idiots.

Stalin was an infamous leader who cared nothing about his people and would send thousands to death just to prove a point and deserves equal notoriety as Pol Pot as disgusting stains in human existence.

Ukrainians never had an independent country before the breakup of soviet union.

Neither did Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania to name just a few so will you explain what you mean by independent?.

He is a troll denying Ukraines right to exist just like asshole Putin does :man_facepalming: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

well said Jabbath


Again, another twisting of the narrative to somehow suit your agenda in being a prize dick…!!! Who mentioned anything about Ukraine as a country or their independence?

Oh, by the way, the first mention of Ukraine stretches back to the 12th century and started to be recognised on maps as Ukraine in the 16th century.

Try better, fool. :man_facepalming:

There were so many kingdoms in Europe in middle ages, I have never heard of the Kingdom of Ukraine.

Lithuania had a big empire. Read history

The death of Ravil Maganov, chairman of Russian oil giant Lukoil, at a hospital in Moscow appears to mark the eighth time this year that a Russian energy executive has died suddenly and under unusual circumstances.

Maganov died Thursday after falling out of a window of the capital’s Central Clinical Hospital,

The oil company, and its chairman, had been critical of the Ukraine war expressing disapproval

Below is a list of these cases, in chronological order.

  • In late January, Leonid Shulman, a top executive at Russian natural gas giant Gazprom, was found dead in the bathroom of a cottage in the village of Leninsky. The Russian media group RBC reported his death, but did not cite a cause.

  • On Feb. 25, another Gazprom executive, Alexander Tyulakov, was found dead in the same village as Shulman, this time in a garage. According to the Russian media outlet Novaya Gazeta, investigators found a note near Tyulakov’s body.

  • On Feb. 28, three days after Tyulakov died, a Russian oil and gas billionaire living in England, Mikhail Watford, was found hanged in the garage of his country estate. At the time, investigators reportedly said Watford’s death was “unexplained,” but did not appear suspicious.

  • On April 18, a former vice president of Gazprombank, Vladislav Avayev, was found dead in his Moscow apartment, alongside his wife and d______r, who also died. Authorities treated the case as a m____r-suicide, Radio Free Europe reported at the time. Gazprombank is Russia’s third-largest bank and has close ties to the energy sector.

  • On April 19, a former deputy chairman of Novatek, Russia’s largest liquefied natural gas producer, was found dead in a vacation home in Spain. Like Avayev in Moscow, Sergei Protosenya was found with his wife and d______r, who were also deceased. And like Avayev, police investigating the scene said they believed it was a m____r-suicide, a theory that Avayev’s surviving son has publicly rejected.

  • In May, the body of billionaire and former Lukoil executive Alexander Subbotin was discovered in the basement of a country house in the Moscow region. The room where Subbotin died was allegedly used for “Jamaican voodoo rituals,” quoting local authorities.

  • In July, Yury Voronov, founder and CEO of a shipping contractor that services Gazprom’s Arctic projects was found dead of an apparent gunshot wound in a swimming pool at his home in Leninsky the same elite St. Petersburg gated community where Shulman and Tyulakov died earlier in the year.

The discussion was never about countries, it was about Michail Gorbachev, but as you normally do, you twist it to your own c___dish narrative. :man_facepalming:

It really is about time you grew up as you are making yourself a fool here and everyone can see it. No doubt you will retort with some immature mindless bulls__t as your sad little existence will not allow you to walk away, so I will do it for you and I will not respond to no more of your inane drivel. :wink:

You are also twisting historical facts. When you mentioned the famine, you forgot to add that it also affected Russians and everyone in USSR during those hard times of Great patriotic war

Tens of thousands of Russian soldiers are not getting paid because they are officially registered in Russia whilst on combat in Ukraine. So this means they do not get combat pay, even some of them don’t get paid at all and there are increasing numbers of demoralised Russian soldiers being f___ed to fight. :man_facepalming: :laughing: :laughing:

You missed the point. Unlike US soldiers who fight only to pay their student loan, Russian soldiers fight because they love their country and want to defend it.

Invading another country is Not Defending… :man_facepalming:

You need to establish a good buffer zone around your borders to defend your country

Can someone please remove this Russian troll from the forums? @VHTV_James He is a d______e for all Ukrainian people and especially for the Ukrainian participants and VHTV staff :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Yes, IN Your Own Country, not someone else’s… It is called Invading… :man_facepalming:

was anyone going to attack Russia? huh?

Yes Ukraine wanted to establish NATO bases to attack Russia