Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

I would have previously disagreed with you jabbath because Putin said if Russia was attacked on it’s own side of the border there would be very serious consequences. After Ukrainian strikes in Crimea and last weeks car bomb outside Moscow it seems Putin was spouting more bulls__t than anything else as he regards Crimea as part of Russia while Ukraine rightly wants it back. Plus there have been other strikes inside Russia in the East. So far we have not seen any Russian reaction to what Ukraine has done.

You made a good point and I get the impression Ukraine is using its weaponry wisely by using everything they have received sparingly but enough to not only slow down the Russian war machine but f___e them to dig in. This buys Ukraine more time as I suspect Ukraine is building up its weapons dumps for a big offensive probably by the New Year in the East and South.

Speaking of Putin’s bulls__t, we have learned his army is s__t as they use 20th century tactics against 21st century weapons systems and 21st century tactics. This shows how out of touch they really are. Plus they are very badly supplied in every way with many troops even stealing food to stay alive while many are deserting too. The morale difference on both sides couldn’t be more different with the Ukrainians on a high and Russians feeling like they are in hell. The only thing they have been good at is propaganda inside Russia but even that is being eroded as Russian holiday makers in Crimea witnessed for themselves how this really isn’t a ‘Special Operation’ after all. They will return to Russia with news that totally contradicts the evening TV news bulletins. Add that to the massive Russian death toll with many families now beginning to demand answers to what is really going on.

I said at the start of all this, change has to come from within Russia once and for all. Russian people have been under the iron fist of these Bas*ards for decades and Russian people deserve to be free from them. Getting back to the Russian propaganda machine, like I said they were (up to now) very good at it by tricking the whole World into thinking Russia has the second most powerful war machine on the planet. It doesn’t look that way at all now after trying to take just one country with far fewer weapons.

Yes they have nuclear weapons but that is about all they have because their army surely must be an embarrassment 6 months into this conflict?!! Sorry, ‘‘Special Operation’’… yeah it’s special but for all the wrong reasons Mr. Putin. To quote a line from a famous song…

Shouting in the street, gonna take on the world someday You got b___d on your face, you big d______e Waving your banner all over the place

I wonder how many of you reading this has the chorus of what song in your heads right now? So just as America lost the Vietnam war Russia will absolutely lose this war for the exact same reason. It is simple, you can’t beat the will of the people and the will of the Ukrainians is far stronger than anyone expected especially for Putin. Another factor is, unlike other reasons for various conflicts in the past Ukraine is fighting for the essence of it’s existence and that is quite simply ‘Sovereignty’ of their nation. It doesn’t get any deeper than that.

Lastly getting back to Putin’s warning of serious consequences if Russia is attacked on it’s side of the border. Another serious miscalculation was invading a country which is more technologically advanced compared to Afghanistan or the ‘Special Operations’ in Syria and even then it didn’t go Russia’s way. Unlike those other countries Ukraine is right next door so Russia has to expect s__t to happen inside their country making incursions or counter-insurgency very likely. There is a lesson in all of this for you Mr. Putin (asshole stuck in another century) and that lesson is in a figure of speech… Don’t s__t on your own doorstep!


John Sweeney is an expert on Putin and it seems Putin is not so confident in the war as it seems.

j’espère que se soit vrais!

@ ukpolska I think so too. Now we see him ordering more troops to Ukraine. I think there are two reasons, high troop loses and the war isn’t progressing at the pace he was lead to believe.

Putin orders an increase of 137,000 troops as Ukraine invasion stalls


Occupiers recognize Ukrainian army’s strength and call it fearless

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And long may it continue, go Ukraine go. :+1:

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Russian military seems doomed in Ukraine - 5 reasons


Spain sends Shorad air defense system Ukraine and armored vehicles.

Its started :slight_smile: Go Ukraine :muscle: :muscle::ukraine: :ukraine: :muscle: :muscle:

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@ ukpolska it seems they have started what we have all been waiting for although I didn’t think it would be this soon. I suppose that was the idea to take the Russian’s by surprise. It has to be said Ukraine absolutely wins first prize for tactics. Apparently they got off to a good start and the coming days will reveal just how this could potentially turn out.

This has got to be quite embarrassing for Putin. Sergey Khlan is probably right in saying this is the beginning of the end for them but I still don’t trust what Putin could potentially turn to next. I’ve said it before, Putin is a sore loser and simple can’t take it on the chin.

Ukraine claims new push in Russian-held region Kherson


Lets hope that this is the start of the end to this horrible war. They should drive through Crimea as well . That seems to me to be difficult to defend with only a damaged bridge or two to supply food and further armaments.

This is what is going on in Ukraine right now and kind of puts our little disagreements here into perspective.

The Ukrainian f___es are under the bridge, while the Russians can be seen at the top left of the screen.

You mean the russians are the ones getting their asses kicked :laughing:

d’autres s’amusent font la fête . et d’autres défendent leur pays . quel monde :roll_eyes:

So true. IThis time though i have felt that the sanctions imposed have made a difference and we can see that thru vHTV in many small ways. McDonalds Coke pizza express all missing now . Wre it not for this uunusual view into Russia we would have no idea whether any of these sanctions were actually working.

RIP Michail Gorbachev. You showed the world there is a different Russia possible. :heart::heart::heart:

Your legacy won’t be forgotten


The only Russian president, he was respected by the whole world. RIP


The problem is that Russia has.

I watched a video from a couple of years ago and he was asked what he felt about the present situation in Russia and answered with tears in his eyes that it’s not the Russia that I envisaged when I was in power. In those days we used to travel the country asking in the villages and towns what we can do to improve life in Russia, none of that happens now.

The man was a statesman, diplomat and visionary, yes, he had his vaults, but what government doesn’t? His core values should be lessons that most politicians should look to and learn from as amongst his highest qualities was believing in humanistic values something he didn’t always achieve but was the main driving f___e behind his policies.


What nice words :heart::heart::heart::+1:

:laughing: :+1: Another great tactic.


‘A Porsche Compared To A Lada’: Ukrainian Artillerists Swap Soviet Howitzer For Polish-Built Krab

Gorbachev has passed away this week. All of this mess happening in Ukraine is because of his bad policies. He’s responsible of breakup of soviet union and ethnic wars that followed as a result. Ukraine and Russia used to be united as brothers during the time of soviet union