Criticism turn into a troll

That empty section that the trio demanded to be opened … But then when opened as they would have to create everything, heyyy this wasn’t what we were crying for weeks :joy: :joy:

People change… what m today I was not like this before… I start understanding many things on vhtv……and it’s really getting toxic day by day… and I’m happy I change for good… not like others who spent so much time on vhtv before me… but are still same…and making fun of participants, guest and realm…hope they will also change this attitude and try to maintain peace…:v:t2:

Such a nincompoops u and jab are…… always spreading hatred and troll on realms… :triumph:

That was the best idea ever for sure :joy: :joy:

How goes the saying? Be careful what you wish because you might get it :rofl:

U r the biggest culprit on vhtv……:stuck_out_tongue::stuck_out_tongue: u think no one talk against u that’s y u feel urself superior….no one is coward some are silent and are not opposing against u because they don’t wanna waste time on u idiots…:smirk:

No you didn’t change at all, you just use a fake cover over what you are inside… It’s so funny to read you talking in toxicity…
Seriously troll, you need help… Good luck with that as you will go back to where you shouldn’t never had come out

Atleast m better than u and jab so called moderators……:sunglasses: see for yourself what u guys are doing still trolling…. and spreading hatred in realms….! Other viewers are also following u guys … You guys have power and can stop these trolling use power wisely… Done for now… :fire: don’t wanna waste time on you people…:stuck_out_tongue:

Then Saul will become Paul? :thinking:

Bekehrung des Apostels Paulus – Wikipedia

You don’t do anything else then wasting time with us, specially since your strategy failed completely with the forum division it’s post after post :joy: :joy: Yes we know that you totally dominate the leaderboard, that’s how great you are … Take the reward

P.S. Moderator??? lol … guess that completes the brain experience :joy: I refused months ago anything related to that. Perhaps you are a moderator also, at least from your own forum section :man_facepalming:

That is impossible to happen :joy: :joy:



Since I feared that someone would come up with it, I had attached a wiki with the Bible explanation. :crazy_face: :face_with_monocle:

Sorry I do not read bad fantasy literature :joy: :joy:

Hey, bud I think you would get your point across a lot better if you didn’t resort to name calling.
When you use name calling you are only adding to the toxic environment which you are wanting to eliminate.

I can definitely say you are wrong about this

Why Tanya is still alive on forum….:joy::joy: @VHTV_James @VHTV_CEO why u guys don’t take any action against his/her……:sweat_smile: she is using her favourite emoji thumbs down on every viewer’s posts and comments….:smirk: better do something about it…!

Or being called a bitch.has came up a lot recently :upside_down_face: