Criticism turn into a troll

I have noticed over the last few months where comments have turned from criticism into someone being called a troll, As a forum we are all entitled to our opinion but agree we all and I include myself sometimes overstep the mark. For example when @Aderyn was with Aylin I totally blamed him for the downfall in the relationship but now see him happy with Alicia, so where should we draw the line. I say this I don.t want the participants to leave the project because of us the viewers and what we say. A number of the participants have regular contact with us but I have seen some terrible comments aimed at them for example K&K, Y&F, A&S A&A and think if they leave would be a great shame for us all. Maybe VHTV should monitor all comments and remove people where they are abusive to the participants


Also the body shaming lately is really bad. Especially with girls. Calling them fat and worse… I see a lack of respect rising in general…

Then what should be fat girl called…? :thinking: just a question

Fat, thin, tall, short, dark, fair, bald, hairy these are English language

His main point is abusing participants like some viewers are calling them by bad names…!

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How about “nice girl”? If one is not attracted to her, it is simply “girl” :slightly_smiling_face:


All girls are beautiful in their own way…!:heart_eyes::heart:

Just don’t mention it or just say you don’t like watching her… You don’t call people fat.


When someone is body shaming a participant, that person should immediately be banned from commenting again. That is so cruel to call big girls, “fat or whales”. Some of us guys like women with curves

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Fully agree to that

He started forum for abusing participants….:sweat_smile: not calling them by terms….

As u notice many viewers use bad words against participants….!

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Growing exponentially.

Up until a few months ago, you got a warning if you called a tenant a stinker, now some people indulge in all sorts of things, tenants are whores, idiots, retards, you name it… and nothing happens. Everyone is attacked, residents and forum users.

It is surprising how many reports some people can afford without consequences…

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Then Tanya as a premium viewer will be on top list….:sweat_smile:

As for Tanya, I was about to tell VHTV that the age verification at check-in doesn’t seem to work for them.

Seems 6 months ago was pretty cool and funny to joke on Tata’s body… Well guess she arrived to VH in the wrong apartment

how about Bubba some time ago in Flora’s first appartment? that was the same… so not only to girls i would say

Yes and that’s a problem

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That’s what I’m trying they are funny and nickname words which we gave some participants which we like most……

Winston started this forum for viewers who literally a___e participants by bad words…!

True, it was horrible to read all those attacks…

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It’s true. She had a really bad character and I mostly attacked her for being a miserable sod. But I don’t say I said nasty things there too. Was not okay.

But how about calling “freeloaders” subordinate people compared to “premium users”

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Both are equally guilty, no discrimination to a___e participants and calling them bad words…!