Criticism turn into a troll

@ToreyK agreed but sometimes it is the participants who are more open with us come in for the most criticism because of it and that is not right. Again I am to blame but how would I react with my life in front of a camera 24/7 and 365 days a year.

on appelle ça la libertĂ© d’expression . acceptable sur VHTV.

Don’t worry
! U raise a good discussion :+1:t2: atleast we can know what others think about this point
.! :blush:

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la libertĂ© d’expression ne veut pas dire qu’on est libre d’insulter les gens et les participants Ă  longueur de post, peu importe l’appartement. (je ne m’exclus pas aussi quand je me laisse aller :innocent:) Enfin, c’est mon avis. Il serait peut ĂȘtre temps de faire du nettoyage.

Tiens, pendant que j’y suis : et si on limitait le nombre de photos, gifs, etc qui polluent, sont en double ou en triple et sont inintĂ©ressantes

jabbath@ va devenir le modĂ©rateur , pour remettre de l’ordre sur vhtv.

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Thanks for your trust but I think it would already help when everybody before posting something about a participant would think twice about it

And still the majority of the people here know how to behave.

This is the behavior of users of other sites like FB TW TT TR
 or other pseudo forums. Brave because they re invisible nd very far and will not be punished!

A consideration/question: Would you say/write the same thing if the person were to face you in real life?

BIGGIES!!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

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I love that

 but some don’t like
:smiling_face_with_tear: curvy girl or women will be suitable I think

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It’s all about context, isn’t it? Some girls like it when you tell them they have a fat ass or will even boast about how fat their ass is.

I guess it’s a bit different because you are not calling them fat but complementing them on having an above average sized bottom.

In my opinion there is no need to please everyone. Life would be pretty boring if you did. Some people might not approve of the term curvy or BBW so then what? It’s all about the context of how you use the words in my opinion.

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Exactly some use words to give complements and some for trolls
.!! Context is important !

The participants are performers who perform for our pleasure. Like all performers, they respond well to praise and applause. I feel we should give them that or if we don’t like them or what they are doing, then say nothing. Social media is notorious for bullying and we all know that adverse comment can affect some people very badly. The forum is good when people are getting on well with the participants, having fun with what is going on and with each other. The trolling and unpleasantness is a complete turn off, for me at least.

Tell this to the bullies who have just posted before your comment and that found body shamming funny or complementing :thinking: :thinking:

I agree with your point

everyone deserves respect


Well rather like @Shyguy I’m not convinced of the sincerity here but I would like to say that I do appreciate all your pictorial postings - very helpful as a quick guide to what’s been happening!

Who is that guy
.? Okay my biggest fan

Who you are calling bullies
.:joy::joy: u should understand between troll and complements first
. by the way this topic is not meant for your topic

Its made for trollers who trolling participants by using bad words

Happy Game Show GIF by ABC Network

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