Cleo, Montana

showing that bush very well

Don’t think they’re happy at Cleo’s

It’s her own fault. Montana was the one that wanted to move into Cleo’s apartment.

Wanted to move to Cleo or wanted to run away from the place where she was?

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Support didn’t say the reason why, just that their move from their own apartment into Cleo’s was at Montana’s request.

But if she’s not happy at Cleo’s I would support her moving back to her old place and Artem & Tristan moving back in with Bono & Isabelle.

Montana did dismantle the cams so I’m assuming some form of fine or reprimand is coming her way.Whether she gets reinstated or not is anybodys guess but IMO I think her boss will let her off as she probably makes them decent money.

For the apartment Cleo & Montana realm87 webcams 16.17.18 . Can you have a better view? Or a new webcam? 'Cause you can’t see the whole room there’s a big blind spot

message customer support and request them to move them

Hi @kaya it’s me again, I’m over here now. :wave: :wave:

Do you know when the new livingroom cam that they installed on Friday will go live? (Asking just in case someone has forgotten about it).

New cam will be launched tomorrow :innocent:

Ah, I can see that new cam is up and running.

View from the new living room can

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ahah it’s all so natural there :joy:

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New camera :camera: is already coming in handy

OMG :heart_eyes: :drooling_face: wish i could massage and kiss their feet and socks while they are making love :grinning:

mmhh her sexy socked soles so close :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :kissing_closed_eyes:… feels like heaven

You should talk to footpredator, aka Oliver, the participant. He also has a site called

A Threesome i would love to see :pray: :pray: :pray:

thx for your advice , but i have my circles :wink:

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OK, it was just a thought. :+1:

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