Cinderella, Kerri

Это была не моя идея😹


Оста́вь всё как есть.






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@ISIDOR can you give @Kerri pleasure next please? I think she is starting to feel left out… :pleading_face: :smiling_face_with_tear:

@NotSeth You want to push participants here to do something. I think if @Kerri wanted to have sex, she would have it. There is no point in constantly demanding it here.

It does not even bring financially what, because the sex in this apartment hardly people look at. Isidor is and remains a bad lover. He doesn’t understand anything about (real) sex … He can perhaps bring himself to ejaculation, but he does not bring fun to the women.

I am praying that this is just a short-term drawing on Cinderellas back!

The smudging gives me hope that it can be washed away.

That is a picture of Flora her manager. :hugs:

So bad I think only one can paint … it is not real … The painter is the favorite of @NotSeth

That would be r__e and not something to be joked about…

when someone howls and cries for her friend … do you think she does then what voluntarily and with fun?! …

The person was heavily i________ed at the time …

And yet you keep trolling Kerri for what Isidor has done to her. I knew how low you are, but you’re pushing all the limits with this.

STOP joking about victims of sexual a___es

I’m not trolling anyone. You are being the troll. That’s all I will be saying in the matter to you.

PS welcome back to the topic you said you would no longer be commenting in or watching.

END OFF :index_pointing_at_the_viewer: :stop_sign:

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If you mean well with Isidor, the behavior towards Kerri was more than borderline …

This is fact and there is video evidence … but out of respect for Kerri I would not show them publicly …

Parasite is definitely not a “dirty” word. When used to describe a person, it means that person is living off of another person, i. e. free room and board, without doing anything to earn what they’re getting.

It definitely is not like calling someone a bitch or a fucking asshole, etc.

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Such nonsense shows that this world is going down the drain.

So much for freedom of speech.

I read the article, but it didn’t explain the reason. It just said someone was fined for calling someone a parasite.

So, why on Earth would calling someone a parasite sustain such steep consequences? I don’t get it.

Plus, I didn’t think we were talking about Germany. Thanks for your help.

I would probably agree with all of that and I’m sure it’s used in that context in many, many countries around the world.

The difference, however, being that I’ve never heard of anyone being fined or put in jail for calling someone a parasite, except in Germany.

So, what is different about Germany? Why does that word warrant such punishment? It almost seems like it’s as bad as calling someone a Nazi, which I know is quite an egregious accusation in Germany.