
I don’t think there are many Kirill haters. I liked him in his previous flat. I really liked him there. With his guests, towel and all.
But unfortunately, for whatever reason, he didn’t manage to do much in Camille’s flat that the Vhtv viewers were used to seeing from him.
Then there’s the odd funny comment. But it’s not hate from my side.
I hope we see him again somewhere where he and we can have more fun again.


:innocent: :innocent: :innocent: Gone with the Wind, but here it was with Fog. Sorry, I’m confused I thought there was a party here.

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What makes you think there’s a party here?

Right there it most absolutely looks like a quiet kind of party. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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So sieht es wohl aus. Man kann nur hoffen, dass es dabei nicht bleibt :grinning:

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Ja, Ich kann doch mal hoffen. Aber die Frage ist: Bleibt es nur bei dem Hoffnung? Ich weiss doch nicht was ich glauben soll. Not often I express myself that much in german. Hope I did not screw it up too much. :slight_smile:


Das war fast perfekt Tyrese. Ich bin auch mal gespannt, wie es da weiter geht. Der Haarige ist ja erstmal gegangen.

I learned german very well once upon a time. But the fact is truly that I have not practiced it and used it for a lot of years and years. How many is left then? After the hairy one disappeared? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Das wird wieder, wenn du erstmal ein paar Wörter auf deutsch schreibst und liest. Eigentlich sind es jetzt Camille und die junge Dame, die seit einigen Tagen zu Gast ist. Doch wer das ist und/oder wie lange sie bleibt, tja…weiß der Geier. Vielleicht zieht sie ja ins Schlafzimmer und bleibt länger.

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Die hübsche junge Dame ist zurück.

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13 posts were merged into an existing topic: VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

Dead trousers again. But at least the kitchen is clean now. :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

Dead trousers does not sound very fun to me. How is it the saying goes? If you can not take the heat, get out of the kitchen. :joy: :sweat_smile:

Hi Kumpel. Du kennst doch die Band " Die toten Hosen" oder?

Not very much, but I have heard just slightly about them. Die Toten Hosen that can mean De døde buksene. Or it can mean De døde snekkerbuksene. Or it can also mean De døde arbeidsbuksene in norwegian. Depends what kind of context you want to use it within. :hugs: :hugs:

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It sounds a little strange and weird though. Because you have to use a deadly terminology when you describe it. Does not sound very fun. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Also…Das ist ein Sprichwort. Wenn zum Beispiel irgendwo überhaupt nichts los ist, sagt man bei uns- Da ist aber tote Hose und die Band “Die toten Hosen” hat sich damals so benannt, weil sie Punk-Musik machen. Verstehst du was ich meine? In der Wohnung ist nichts mehr los, also ist dort - tote Hose. Nein…nicht ganz. Ich vergaß zu erwähnen, dass die hübsche junge Dame, die gerade bei Camille zu Gast ist, wenn sie schläft, ganze Wälder zersägt.


Yeah, actually I understand pretty well what you mean. The atmosphere in the apartment can vary quite a lot. Because there is not much going on there quite often. She is absent quite often. Camille, then. If she is not absent, she is quite often doing nothing or she is sleeping. So that makes it rather strange. At least that is what it appears to be like.


She has nice tits anyway! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


But you’re more than right. You can say that again. :boom: