Boundaries for posting videos

The forum is advertising for VHTV. It’s a moneymaker because it attracts new subscribers. So, whatever media is posted here is exactly what VHTV wants, here, and they give us permission to post it. It shows potential subscribers what they’re missing out on, and they think, “Yes, I’d like some of that.” And just like that they have another subscriber.

You can upload multiple videos in a single post, as long as no single video has a file size more than 97.7 MB. That’s the only limitation, and it was set by VHTV. Someone said that equals four minutes of runtime, but you can get a lot more than four minutes worth of video in 97.7 MB.

I believe it’s possible for too much of anything to be not good for you, even too much water can k__l you, but this forum is light years away from having too much media content. (For context, one light year equals 5.88 trillion miles.)

Are you sure? If we line up all of Torey’s pictures, we’re already halfway there… :joy: :joy: :joy:

pourtant, ceci dit sans vouloir t’offenser, tout ceci n’est pas encore assez attractif puisque tu n’es toujours pas un membre payant. Je ne comprends pas ton développement intellectuel. Merci de m’expliquer

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Before you want to know that he is not a paying member?? :thinking:

compte tenu de son explication relative aux photos qui seraient supposées attirer des membres payants. il ne prouve rien, vu que cela ne l’a pas décidé à payer. Simple question. Maintenant, je suppose qu’il a de bonnes raisons mais sa démonstration ne m’a pas totalement convaincu. Mais peut être ai-je tort…

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I don’t read from his post that he is a free user. It only explains the purpose of the forum and the form in which videos can be uploaded. I’ve posted similar posts here before.

Don’t be fooled by the fact that it doesn’t have “Premium Viewer” after its name. You can also hide that.

heu, je ne vois pas l’intérêt de masquer ce renseignement (problème d’impots?) :laughing: Mais qu’il soit payant ou pas, ce n’était pas mon propos, je me permettais simplement que je doutais du bien-fondé de sa démonstration. Qu’il soit payant ou pas… n’a aucune importance pour moi. La preuve, dans une dizaine de jours, je ne renouvellerai pas mon abonnement alors je ne vais juger personne. Je ne m’appelle pas Lennie :wink:

In the end, everyone has to decide for themselves whether VHTV is worth the money it costs. I’ve decided that it is. Just the fact that it would annoy me if I read on the forum that something interesting happened that night and I can’t look at it on the timeline would annoy me. And the free cameras are not necessarily worth seeing either. Some only show a dark hallway or a corner in the kitchen where nothing ever happens.

So “Lennie”, then I’ll keep an eye out for you in 10 days… :wink:

As much as I would like to be, I can never be a subscriber.

I don’t understand what you’re asking for with this question.

:rofl: :rofl:
Even Torey’s pics are only a single grain of sand in all the oceans of the world compared to what a subscriber has access to.
:rofl: :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
That’s a GOOD one!!! Love it. Never heard that one before.

That’s not funny, at all. But, it is snide, snarky, supercilious, snobbish, patronizing, condescending, etc., with much more than a hefty dose of superiority, greed and selfishness thrown in.

So, here’s my answer. It’s been said before, but it’s a good one, so I’ll borrow it from WC.

“…you Gold counting Misers, Ledger checking Scrooges, and “It’s all about ME” crazies can : Buy a can of Electronics Freeze Spray and go Chill yourselves.”

Now, THAT’S funny.
:rofl: :rofl:

Excuse Me Reaction GIF by BrownSugarApp

to be fair i not sure what the fuck you are talking about so go a way, and go back to school, now thats funny

I didn’t say anything about a certain type of photo attracting subscribers. Maybe that’s a translation error.

Even the vast, super large nets on commercial fishing trawlers don’t catch all the fish in the ocean. I’m sure VHTV doesn’t expect to convince everyone to become a subscriber. That would be unrealistic.

I sort of kinda tried to make a post about this topic, but Jabbath shut it down. Anyways, I had pondered this. Between the site itself in the form of free cameras, the thumbnails on the video archive, this forum, even CamCaps, the telegraph, the tenants social media accounts, other internet sites that host skimmed videos, and private messaging, there’s really not much left to pay for the way I see it. After a while the sex just sort of looks like sex. It’s almost all just straight up sex with little variation in style and type. Once you get over the need to jerk off to any of it and you’re just here to follow the story, you really don’t need to pay for it. Anything you would care to know is available in some other way.

  • this way ! Now you’ve got it. You just didn’t want “them” here so you wouldn’t know about it. + addressing a group as “them” (versus “us” ) is discriminatory , dividing, distastefull and ill spirited. VHTV’s policy is rock solid, “settled law”, and Socialy Inclusive. Kudo’s to them.

I realize that I said “them”, but I was characterizing you.

Gotta admit, I cannot rightly understand what it is you are saying. But I’m actually more interested to know why Jabbath liked it.

So I was working under the assumption that the upload file size limit is 97.7 MB. But it doesn’t really seem to be. Where does this number come from, anyway?

When I’m editing my videos the editing program gives me a prognosis of how big the finished video file would be at what quality setting. Usually the file turns out significantly smaller than that prognosis. So when I shorten a longer clip, or adjust the bitrate, in order to end up below 97,7 I’m usually aiming a bit higher. Seems I don’t always remember to check the actual filesize before uploading, because I just noticed I also successfully uploaded two files that were 98.2 and 100.5 MB in size. Had I noticed I would have changed the files to be smaller.

Anybody got an idea what the real filesize limit might be? Or how to find out, other than by spamming the forum with increasingly bigger files until something gets rejected?

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I find that strange though.

I also once had a file that was almost 100 MB in size and when I uploaded it said that the upload failed because the maximum size was 97.7 MB.