Boundaries for posting videos

Recently I enjoyed postng some video clips in the forum. Mostly zoom-ins on moments I found to be particularly exciting, cute or whatever. But how much of this is ok to be posted in the forums?

VHTV wants to make money from people subscribing to have access to all the juicy stuff, the forums however are accessible to non-subscribers. VHTV themselves have free cams to give hesitant lurkers a taste, aiming to make them want more. So posting some juicy bits in the forums is just in that spirit. Though if we posted lots of complete sex acts from start to finish that would clearly defeat the purpose; why buy the cow if you can have the milk for free? So far I went by my own rule of thumb to keep the clips under 2 minutes…

What do you folks think, how much is too much? Or can there ever really be too much of a good thing? Should we just assume that as long as moderators or management don’t intervene it’s allright by them?

To give you some context, as well as shameless self promotion, here’s some links to my recent postings…

good girl

kissy kissy

Edit: just noticed I forgot a fun one: in the pooper

hello darkness

making out


missionary accomplished


c___e me daddy

Well, for one, the video files on the forum are limited to a maximum of 97.7 MB, which is just under 4 minutes.

On the other hand, it also depends on whether the posted scenes are/were transferred to the gallery at all.

Since no one has complained from VHTV so far, it will probably be ok.

Speaking personally and even as a premium member i thought your clips added a lot Particularly adding the music to Hello Darkness. and i loved the clip of Judy in the shower. Also a delightful capture of Arilela & Seb , all of course inevitably on cameras not available to nonmembers. A a non- member i think i would have loved them even more of course!!! There has been a lot of discussion in the past about whether it is good or bad to have the moments we are paying for broadcast for free. I myself am afraid i sit on the fence a bit. i can understand that it attracts buyers , but at the same time i do feel like a mug paying while others get it for free. i would probably be happier if there was a reduced fee for people who just wanted the free cameras and access to the forum - say £5 a month ?

What advantage do you see for yourself? :thinking:

None at all except a sense of righteousness. i believe in an open economy not the welfare state. I am very politically incorrect and hate the thought of being ‘‘woke’’. All of these feelings lead me to believe that this would be a better world if we all paid our way instead of relying on others .but as i said. ‘’ i sit on the fence’’ i have no really strong feelings one way or another. Also however, thinking about it , as a direct cause & reaction, if VHTV made more money they could improve the cameras and more importantly, resurrect the translation button. I hate not knowing what people write!! So yes there would be an indirect advantage to me.

But as you already wrote, the free cams are primarily there to attract customers. After all, who buys the pig in a poke?

The forum is also an incentive for new customers, as there is much less to see on the free cams than what is posted in the forum. Also, the free users lack the timeline. So you only see what’s going on at this moment. Not very satisfying, is it?

If you miss the translation globe, you really can replace it with better free tools in your browser. I’ve never used this globe and I can do just fine without it in the forum.

Hmm. I doubt this would be a better world if we all paid our way instead of relying on others. I’m not advocating socialism or a society of freeloaders, but I think healthy dose of solidarity makes for a better world.

When I think of your vision what immediately comes to my mind is the USA, and how they are the country that probably realized that vision more than any other. And, as much as I used to admire that country for building the best airplanes, making the best movies and other stuff, it’s actually not a place where I’d want to live. Viewed from the outside it seems like the people there struggle all the time to make enough money to justify their existence. Live in fear that a stay at the hospital could ruin them. Seems like everybody fighting for themselves inevitably leads to selfishness and mistrust. People buy guns to defend their property. Then are afraid of all the people with guns. Rightfully so as lots of people actually do get shot. They call themselves the land of the free while effectively enslaving themselves to the rich.

Sorry, that was quite a rant. I swear I don’t intend to insult Americans or start a flamewar. I just think they got a few things wrong in their society. Just try to consider the possible benefits of some solidarity compared to everybody for themselves.

But, back to the topic, Hello Darkness is also my favorite clip so far. Stumb__d over that haunted look on her face by pure chance while sampling her timeline to check out the new girl. Just needed the right framing for a beautiful image composition. I was a little hesitant to post it, as it felt like she was sorrowfully contemplating all the mistakes in her life that led her to this place, baring her skin for anonimous wankers to drool over, and I generally don’t want to post clips of people having a bad time. But it was also very touching and pretty…

Thanks Mohrchi i will have a hunt for a translation tool
Does it do it auto matically or do you have to cut and paste everything ?


Absolutely right it caught the moment beautifully ( and i do agree about usa by the way) There is no one right way for every country Communism patently doesn’t work even though in theory it should be the best way to live. I blame people!! and greed !! in all societies.

I’ve used ImTranslator and TWP. With ImTranslator, you highlight the text and press Alt+C, and it puts the translation right below the foreign text, depending on how you configure the settings. You can also just press Alt, and it will open a little box with the translation.

TWP is very similar. Highlight the text, click on an icon that appears just above that text, and it opens a little box just below it with the translation.

I used Mozilla Firefox and installed the addon TWP in it. The addon automatically translates any website into the language of your choice.

For me that would be German. However, if I want to reply to a posting in the forum, I usually use Google Translate or Deepl in a second tab. Then of course you have to cut out the translation and paste it into the reply post in the forum. I actually always do this, since most people write in English here and if you don’t have an addon in your browser, it will be difficult if my postings were all in German. I, on the other hand, don’t care what language is posted here as my addon translates it all.

Thanks guys i will experiment this weekend.

I agree, it reveals just how boring these places really are. Better to just allow pictures that deceive the non-subs into thinking there is something better going on than there actuallty is. Oh Amy, but the storylines and all the intricate relationships and drama? Um, ya, no! Mostly just reruns from the same poeple over and over and over again. And BTW, who let the ugly out on VHTV. My goodness!

I take it your holiday wasn’t very nice :cry:

i have always thought that the forum should be only pay members its not fair they can see what the pay members see

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Wait for your two pals come back from their holidays they’ll back you up.

We’re not doing this again are we :man_facepalming:

doing what again

The whole free users not having access to the forum, Torey & John were the main pushers for it. They even got their own Premium Lounge but alas they didn’t go there, I’m sure they would’ve got on well together there :grin:

ok ,so tell me ,if you pay for a train ticket ,and then at the same time someone got on the train going where you are going but for free ,would you like it ,or another person could see all the videos and every cam for free would you like it if you had to pay