Boundaries for posting videos

Here you go for subscribers only :+1: have fun :grin:

Better question is why do need a forum if you have a sub and can already see everything. Just find something to jerk off to and go about your life, otherwise, you just end up becoming a curator of a sex site. Don’t do it. It’s a sad life. None of the people on VHTV are worth that kind of time or effort. Before you know it you’ll be tracking the lives of pets.

Donald Duck Lol GIF

Nice to see you putting in the time and effort :+1: :grin:

Members who pay for access voluntarily put the videos and screenshots on this forum, nobody is f_____g them to do it

The media posted in this forum is a tiny, minute fraction of everything available to a paid member. It MIGHT amount to .0000001% of all the paid cams, the timeline and the archive. You have 10’s of thousands more content available to you than a non-subscriber ever would in the few pics and tiny video clips that get posted in the forum. I just don’t understand greedy people like you who want it all for themselves. SMDH.

The point of the forum is so that after finding something to jerk off to you can share the experience. Joy actually becomes more iif you give away and share it. :innocent: It’s like water-cooler talk after a football match. And honestly, would you talk about your masturbation habits with your co-workers? That’s what this place is for. Where we can all be happy little perverts together.


Just find something to jerk off to and go on with your life

 or share the experience if you like too: :grinning:

But also also:

Free camera

versus the perks of being a subscriber:

The freebies we may post here don’t really measure up to what you get with a subscription.

Nobody shares the experience. Nobody

That seems to be a sad way of viewing things.

The rules are quite simple to follow:

  • Do not post the whole scene
  • limit your video to a short clip ( preferably under 2 mins )
  • Do not spam the forum with too many videos
  • Make sure the VHTV watermark is visible.

I prefer to think of it as the truth. Most of this forum is a curation of the site. Who is who, who fucked who, who the bad guys are, talking about a____ls, silly jokes, sexy pictures, tenant put downs, pissing matches, site problems, and biased moderation. Nobody here is tracking sex scenes and talking about how they got off on it.

Hey, could you guys help me out with some technical feedback? It’s about the videos I’m posting so this thread seems like a good place to put this question even though it’s slightly off-topic.

When you play my videoclips (some links at top of thread):

  1. Do you have frozen image in the first few seconds?
  2. Do you have sound?
  3. On what system / browser are you (not) experiencing these problems?


What is this about? I use an iMac and Firefox. Whenever I play my clips in forum I experience freezeframes, when I download the clips from the forum they play just fine in VLC though.

When I uploaded a new clip (Sabrina) today I tried out another video codec, mpeg-4 instead of h264, but the image wouldn’t render in Firefox so I replaced it again with my usual format. Then however I tried another browser, Safari, and, to my big surprise, none of my uploaed clips would play with sound. This could just be a simple plug-in missing on my machine, so far I’ve hardly used Safari on this new computer at all.

However I was wondering if people might have thought I was making a cruel joke when advertising the fascinating audio track of a clip in the Adil forum and there was no sound at all. Because that would also explain the thumb-down I got on that one

I have been a prolific generator of video clips for lonnng time. VHTV is 100% on board with 2 min video clips for ALL to see. Especially the unfortunates. So you Gold counting Misers, Ledger checking Scrooges, and “Its all about ME” crazies can : Buy a can of Electronics Freeze Spray and go Chill yourselves.

As far as a group of Yahoos making a topic on the forum to say “Hey lets get together and change the things I don’t like”, doesn’t make company policy, and you are not company, so: Go to Helen Waite.

I think that 000000.1 per sent to still far to much for the freebies LOL

You still don’t get it

These published images and video sequences are used by VHTV to attract new customers.

Incidentally, everyone can probably watch thousands of porn pictures and porn films on thousands of porn portals on the Internet for free, if that’s what they want.

ce n’est pas le fait de poster des photos qui me gĂȘne, mais c’est surtout que souvent, elles sont totalement inintĂ©ressantes (comme photographier une fille dans sa cuisine en train de regarder une assiette) ou des photos en double voire triple exemplaires. Copy conforme de ToreyK : juste pour faire du chiffre. VHTV devrait crĂ©er un espace spĂ©cial pour stocker, par appart, toutes ces photos qui gĂąche la lecture du forum. juste mon avis

I don’t think a few pictures are wrong. I always use them if what you can see looks interesting, go back in the timeline and then look at what’s happening. This saves time looking at irrelevant things and finding interesting places.

I don’t like these pure picture posters either, like ToreyK did. I don’t even look at that. But if someone posts a picture or two and writes their thoughts on it, I think it’s good.

je suis d’accord en ce qui concerne ta derniĂšre phrase: une photo + un commentaire. Pour le reste, comme on dit en français : ça me gave (j’espĂšre quant Ă  la bonne traduction vu que je suis trop paresseux pour Ă©crire en anglais