
I agree totally but the choice is to stay a Ukraine country or be under Russia control and what would I prefer, I think I would prefer to be under Ukraine control

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Nicely said man.

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I care about them. If it starts to crack, there will be an immediate panic if they are not ready.

They have also been warned about taping up the windows, avoiding the windows, closing the curtains, turning off the lights, and they have taken it just fine. For God’s sake, they are in the middle of a war!

You have to understand that I am of the old generation, we were taught differently in case of war, to be constantly prepared. Nobody thought of having a party, a dance, a fuck fest. It is shocking how things have changed.

But ok, I understand, that’s their decision. I won’t do it anymore.

dobre si povedal so SVOJOU nie stou co je pre peniaze

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I look at Lucas fighting for his country and Leo just having sex with anyone including their friends. Yes it is my opinion but I would not be where he is now. If at the end of the war lets be honest who would people have more respect for Lucas or Leo


That’s the thing my friend, people are different and maybe they need different triggers to do things, I am sure if Bella was in danger he would put his life in front of hers.

Luckly, unlike you I never had to make any decision like that in my life and honestly hand on heart I don’t know how I would react until I was in that situation, being in Poland it has entered my mind, but I don’t think that situation will ever arrive.

zmizol by ako gafor a nechal ju napospas ved by mal inu

Privately, we would make a judgement, but in these sensitive times knowing that they read these pages I wouldn’t feel right in voicing my opinion adding more stress onto what must be an unbearable time, so I reserve judgement to myself out of respect for their feelings as voicing it isn’t going to change anything.

Nepochopil som celĂ˝ tvoj komentĂĄr, mĂ´ĹžeĹĄ mi to vysvetliĹĽ?

My translator is not working well.

In all things in life we have to keep an open mind and not be judgemental and classify people through our own eyes and experiences, it’s hard to do, but when you gain that you live a much more peaceful life. As I said, you are a good person and you care which is amazing. :slight_smile:


You are 100% correct and as a ex military veteran that was my job and obviously Lucas as a reservist that is his job How would I react as a civilian I do not know, except I would stand up and protect my country at all cost against an aggressor, but I appreciate more difficult when it is a superpower like Russia. As you say Poland is in a different position as you would have the full might of the USA and NATO behind you


Let’s hope and pray that’s the case and thanks for your well thought out reply. :slight_smile:

to je dobre ze to citaju aspon vie co si o nom myslime

Thank you and I pray for everyone in the Ukraine against the might of Russia and hope they get the support they have request from the West and the USA.

What is good to see is the demonstrations in Russia against the invasion of Ukraine

Hackers took over all state owned TV Stations today and for ten mins it was showing the Ukrainian flag and playing Ukrainian songs :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

I will correct that for you. :roll_eyes:

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I never thought I’d ever love a hacker :grin:

chudera chces byt najmudrejsia

It’s more you making everyone :crazy_face:smart

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