
and if you turn the lights off it looks even tidier


That is too clean of an apartment to clean and I would not be surprised if they are not coming back even though I know a lot of y’all are not going to agree with me and probably not like what I am saying but that’s okay :+1:t5:


Tidier than you your fucking text but you cheated now and corrected it :laughing:

@Sebastian We should forget the state of the apartment and be thankful they have gone away to sort out the obvious issues and come back to the the @Sebastian we all loved at the beginning


have you ever thought about some relaxing herbal tea you sound pissed off to me

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look at the emojis that should tell you it was a joke ,

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My mistake I apologize

I always have to translate everything for each post and it is a heavy thing and ha times there can be mistakes

all good that why i use emojis there universal language

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I use them, too, but sometimes I lose my mind because what I write in Italian when it is then translated into English has a whole other meaning

easy solution learn to type in english :rofl: :rofl: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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and easy for you (then I say learn Italian I bet in 5 years you can’t even pronounce a word)

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let me try 
“si” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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there is an expiration date
I can always chat with the forum if I use deepl

right need to go check on the cows left it a bit late tonight , seeya

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seems as if the apartment sitter had arrived

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lol well this is going to be a boring night he came by his self

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Je suis d’accord, cela ressemble plus Ă  un dĂ©mĂ©nagement ou a une sĂ©paration qu’ a un dĂ©part en vacances. Cela surprend il quelqu’un ? Auriel a fait la mĂȘme chose.

Yes and as you see they left at different times they didn’t leave together