
Ariella had done all the bedroom last night and she would have done the rest today.

I did see it but didnā€™t pay much interest just thought it was a cuddly toy :laughing:
Hence all the pellets all over the place then :laughing:

why do people always have to break their ballsā€¦let them live the way they want pleaseā€¦ :+1: :+1:

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because its our money thats paying for them b___dy appartments thats why :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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okay but we donā€™t live with themā€¦so it is only the participants who decide how to live in their apartmentā€¦

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when you pay for a subscription I donā€™t think there is a clause that says apartment cleaningā€¦

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you asked i answered ,thats the backbone of a forum to express view points

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you did well each to his own thinkingā€¦

@Sebastian I wish you a wonderful vacation have fun you need itā€¦ :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_hands: :heart_hands: :heart_hands: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I doubt if there is a clause for fucking either :laughing:

what are you doing hereā€¦I thought you were attached to the mira henry apartmentā€¦:joy: :joy:

Well you know what thought did donā€™t you? :laughing:

There you go all nice and tidy, but the bed is now 4ft higher.

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And all clean now you are quietā€¦

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Divine !! look Awesome New Realm We :heart: Ariela !! :open_mouth:

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only because the landlord was visiting otherwise it would still be a s__thole

Do you think he cleaned the apartment?

dont talk wet , they cleaned it because landlord would of evicted them if he saw it in that state , and if your trying to fuk with me with your cynycal remarks then my advice would be to sit down take a deepbreath count to 10 then think again . :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Hocus Pocus :wink:


Hey pal donā€™t give up the day job :laughing: