
Wills turning in to a right mardy bum.

Any horse rideing tips :rofl:

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yeh just one, make sure the brakes work :laughing:

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Omg will se fue con la guitarra y creo que hemos visto el quiebre de esta relación…Quien piensa lo mismp? :frowning:
Se me termino la novela!

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They left together and the guitar was put into the wardrobe! :joy: :joy: :thinking:


It seemed that there was some tension between them at the end of the massage, and Will said something that made Ariela give him these “special looks” like “get lost”.


Maybe someone can understand and tell what they were talking about.


Ahhhh es la desventaja de no ser premium y tener que imaginar el 90 por ciento de las cosas que pasan jajaja.

Ella ultimamente le da muchas de esas miradas jajjaa. No sé si porque él se las gana o le tiene poca paciencia y es arisca.

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No comprende hombre, no translator.

She’s been giving him a lot of those looks lately hahaha. I don’t know if because he wins her over or he has little patience for her and she is surly.


I think lately Ariela wasn’t satisfied with just Will’s dick and often “cut” sex to go and get a vibrator, what, if I got it right, got on Will’s nerves.

If were in his shoes it would have driven me nuts, and as a permanent thing it would make me feel like in a competition with that BOB (battery operated boyfriend), and that sucks.


Many thanks for that. :+1: :+1:

It is not easy to understand from the movements and expressions who exactly is right. I think it is at the beginning of the relationship it will have ups and downs
Anyway… Ariela came back…I thought they were going somewhere together

IIt will probably be the same the other way around when we use a quote! Don’t understand why. Most likely a programming error!

Perhaps Ariela is fed up with Will’s obsession. The last few times he has his fingers or thumb in her arsehole while she rides cowgirl. Then turning her on her stomach so he can stretch and look at her arsehole with intermediate screwing. Twice preferring to rub himself off while looking at her rear hole rather than pleasing Ariela. Also she might have seen Will watching for an hour of gaping arseholes this morning.

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If that’s the case, Will needs to respect Ariela’s wishes. Otherwise, it means he’s only interested in sex. & that’s shows selfishness of his part

Para mi ella se aburrio de el. No sé si de sus preferencias sexuales o de que no estaban en la misma pagina, pero lo que me parecio ver es que si las cosas no se hacian como y cuando queria ella, explotaba. O se ponia de mal humor.
Al rato Will iba como perro mojado y se “reconciliaban”.
Ella esta buscando nuvas experiencias y nueva gente, quedo demostrado con el “rocketman” y con el de ayer.


she is a swinger it’s what swingers do he will be back or maybe he wont if not there’s a big que waiting to get in :v: :v:

Sex is so important part for the participants
However first and foremost is character behavior and respecting each other’s wishes
Ariela is smart to understand someone’s intentions if she feels good with Will she keep him otherwise she will push him away …
Sometimes the heart says yes… but the soul rejects it if it doesn’t like it

maybe for others, not for Ariela. I have never seen her do anything so that only WE can benefit from it. No matter what she does, she does it because SHE wants it that way. If we’re happy with it, it’s ok. if not, that’s ok too. this will not affect her behavior

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