
I’m always glad to be of help… :innocent:

A pathological addiction exists and has a name in which a woman cannot help but have relationships with different men. All the men who enter the house have always had the freedom, like yesterday, given by Ariela to use their hands and physical contact on her as they wish and this has been pointed out by many in the forum. Ariela often fucks Will these days, but despite everything she didn’t give up oral sex with another and being touched yesterday why? the question I asked myself and the explanation I gave myself. She probably ruined a relationship to be with Will and despite everything continues in this way of approaching different men. The way I see it, I don’t even think that the reason for everything is just economic gain, I recognize that it’s not easy to understand, you respect him because you watch what he does on VH but at the same time it’s also a bit sad.

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Je pense surtout est en recherche d’affection. Elle a un mal affectif, un vide affectif. Elle a besoin de plaire, cela la rassure et compense ce vide affectif. Plus que du sexe, elle a besoin que l’on prenne soin d’elle, elle a besoin de caresses, de bisous. Elle espère rencontrer l’amour, le vrai, celui du cœur. Tout le reste est un palliatif. Elle aime les hommes et les femmes et elle sait parfaitement comment leurs donner du plaisir, mais sa vrai recherche est une recherche vrai, affective. Un vrai amour.

Oups!! Je pense surtout qu’Ariela est en recherche affective…


16:28 Will is talking to you all in english :thinking:
He will tell you his name to look up on google.

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Super stupid. He never heard about privacy I guess…


Not the brightest of things to do :laughing:

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He,s fucked now AMBERHOSTER knows where he lives :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

, we all know there are some sickos amongst us , prob be wiser to delete that comment and hope that nobody who asnt seen it doesnt pickit up on it in the timeline

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No escuché, así que su información seguirá siendo privada.No soy tan acechadora!!! jajajajjajaja
De todos modos, si agudizás el oído, el nombre de él saltó hace rato. Y no porque lo haya dicho él, sino ella.


Exactly, happens often

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I just find that deleting comments of this sort, from this realm, as a Knee Jerk reaction to something that is just a "what if "

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if you look back on my post dated 23 Jul on the forum you will see that i told you his name then

i remember a certain moderator edited your comment where you named him with a warning

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still thats in the past lets leave it there :ok_hand: :ok_hand:

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yes you are right i was sentence by the forum police for that as well as letting on Sabastain, bo and the photographer guy that she went horse riding with in the summer real names

all good m8 water under the bridge now hey ?

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