
who says will is her boyfriend , im more inclined to think hes a friend with benefits

This is how she is. She does what she wants. Your never as special as she may make you feel. She can appear to be rather emotionally selfish and not very loyal.
That’s just how she rolls :slightly_smiling_face:

I understand what you’re saying, but for him to be her boyfriend, apart from any sexual relationship one, there must also be an emotional one, and I’m not sure that there is an emotional one as well as the right communication yet… which
both are very important for a Relationship.

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I think she has a real addiction to men and I bet Will like Sebastian did will eventually walk away from her.

maybe he wants more than she wants to give ,love and lust are easily confused , but have very different outcomes

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Maybe that can happen too… I think Ariela is old enough to decide… Meanwhile don’t forget here is VHTV and there has to be some sex no matter what happens in her future…


No hay que ser brillante para ver que la atracción es escandalosa…¿pero la comunicación clara? Parece que no. Evidentemente uno quiere algo que el otro no. Están en distintas sintonías emocionales y hace rato que se los ve en esta clase de posición de hablar largo y tendido, ofenderse, tener sexo y volver.
El tema es que ambos creo que están de acuerdo en algo: los cuerpos son envases hecho para el goce y mientras las reglas están claras, las jugarán tratando de no romperse en el intento.


remember its views that pay the bills , she does enough to ensure they are paid . i say shes a clever girl


Without doubts. The amazing part for me is that even if she’s playing this game since forever, is still working wonders :crazy_face:

not hard to do , look at marla and amelie both old hands at this game and dont seem like loosing anytime soon or even the mira /henry sagas they got the views aswell as got the viewers chatting about it which in turn notified more of the members to said sagas thus increased viewing figures

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Absolutely agree with you

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now its time for me to head to another topic with my worldly wisdom so
i-guess-ill-fuck-off-now-goodbye seeya suckers :rofl: :rofl:

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:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

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No todo está perdido :laughing:

she is playing with him :rofl:



hopefully he will back and have sex with her, he looks good on bed :laughing:

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Never understood why so many have a fascination of having it in the ass. :roll_eyes:
Dunno about anybody else but my ass is exit only and only ever will be :wink:

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Well, as stimulation goes there is something to be said for the tightness of the ass, especially if the lady is very passive or just lying there like a sack of potatoes. Given a little bit of eagerness and talent, however, I’ll always prefer the versatility of a girl’s lips and tongue.

Will have to bow to your vast experience then Julio :wink: