
this is what some spectators hope for but if supporting this girl is wanting this from her then in my opinion it means that the interest is not her good but her ass and her tits, in line with the fact of being in a porn site but at the same time sad because we are talking about real people and their lives.

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Dancing queen young and free only…

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They love baby crickets…

Perhaps she thinks she is being watched :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

So thats where she went, learning a dance routine. Seems she is doing one or two of these.

I think it may be a skink. There are nearly 1600 species in every color of the rainbow, and on almost every continent and many oceanic islands. They range in size from 3 inches to over 2 feet.

Some have blue tongues, at least one has small horn-like protrusions pointing backwards from their heads. Most are smooth from head to tip of tail.

They come in single colors, multiple colors, with spots, or stripes, or horizontal rings.

Check here for pictures.


I don’t think it’s a gecko, another type of lizard, because it doesn’t appear to have sticky toes.

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I would exclude geckos AND skinks. Skinks are more at home in the tropics, and geckos are known for their special feet, which this ‘mini dragon’ does not have
As far as I know the story, this is a ‘souvenir’ from one of the mushroom harvests last fall. So it has to be something native to the area. and it doesn’t look tropical to me :grin:


“As a family, skinks are cosmopolitan; species occur in a variety of habitats worldwide, apart from boreal and polar regions. Various species occur in ecosystems ranging from deserts and mountains to grasslands.”

I did say, “I don’t think it’s a gecko, another type of lizard, because it doesn’t appear to have sticky toes.” Sticky toes being the special feet you referred to.

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Io credo che non ci sia nessun figlio/a . La coppia è scoppiata,ma già da tempo.Questa è la realtà

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It might not be a skink, but if you look at the pictures in the link I posted, it might be difficult to convince someone it’s not.

Having said that, we don’t know precisely where they live (although, you might). If it’s a boreal area, they might not prefer that area, but it’s certainly temperate inside her apartment.

Although, lizards do hibernate. Specifically lizards that live in areas that have a cold winter hibernate. Dessert dwelling species often do not hibernate. Lizards are ectothermic, or cold b___ded.

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Jim Beam is knicking on my door, telling me to retire, Have a most pleasant evening, night or day or whatever. Be seeing you around :heart:


May your whiskys be big and your troubles small


That’s it, Ariela leaves her apartment this morning at 5:45 am local time! She dresses and perfumes herself in the hall… Where is she going? Will she find Will somewhere? Who has information on this? When will she come back?


Looking Episode 11 GIF by One Chicago
I’m about to find out. wait a minute

  1. is none of our business!
  2. Maybe. maybe not!
  3. Probably Ariela…
  4. Wait, when she’s back you’ll know!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Te falto decir que antes de irse estuvo sexteando y haciendo videitos que mandó por celular…

fuk knows wot happened there lol

I hear there have been hundreds of arrests at vigils for Nawaly. If that’s where she went it may take a while. But she doesn’t really strike me as the activist type.