
if you mean the ‘box’ on the kitchen table:
:point_up_2: Ariela - #6892 by JonR

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I would like to talk about Sebastian. Where is this Sebastian only topic you speak of?? For some reason I am unable to find it. Could you direct me to it please?

I asked this question recently, but for some reason my comment has disappeared :magic_wand:. @kaya, do you know why such a thing would happen? I do not believe I broke any forum rules. Possibly it happened due to a forum site malfunction? :face_with_monocle:

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VHTV won’t be happy if you tag them for some off-topic trolling. You have seen my message that you can discuss it here, badgering Jabbath is not funny and let’s move on =P


Well VHTV is never happy when I talk, sooo… :man_shrugging:t2: I deleted my tag of them for you. :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: No trolling on my part. I did read your comment on how you said we could talk about Sebastian here. However, jabba made multiple comments about how it was NOT ok and also upsets him. :rage: I thought the most considerate option would be for me to talk about him in the special topic he made for us. That way everyone would be happy!

My apologies if you are saying the best place to talk about Sebastian is here. That is what I will do. All the different directions just got me all mixed up… :pensive:


Oh dear. You are the cutest and nicest sarcastic little provocateur in the whole world. Love my job, even trolls are adorable here

Oh No Eye Roll GIF by Aardman Animations


Mr. Sebastian thank you again for all of the wonderful memories you created for us during your time on VHTV. I think most of us will hold them dear to our hearts for a very long time. I hope you are now creating even more special memories with your d______r! Selfishly I hope you will check in with us from time to time. I already miss you!!!:cry:


I’m like that itch you just can’t seem to reach, but once you do you just can’t stop. :wink: :kissing_heart:




Oui, la boîte posé sur la table de la cuisine. Ont dirait une couveuse…

Its a lizard or geko or even a small bearded dragon, Ariella was feeding it live food.

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Ya se fue Will…su visita duró menos que otros días. :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

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I Think from what I understand Will has relationships with multiple Women Can be wrong but That’s the impression i get… Ariela doesn’t mind but she probably wants him in the Realm all the time to arrange the show together

C’est une sorte de varan qui hibernait. Il y a aussi un bocal avec des insectes vivants pour lui donner à manger. Je pense que les cailloux qu’elle nettoyait est en rapport avec ces charmantes bestioles.

Yo recién vi que él se fue de golpe, como que agarró la mochila dijo chau y listo. Pero no pude ver toda la secuencia.

Cómo es que interpretaste eso??? Estás de encubierto traduciendo? ja

I think Will is a person who doesn’t want commitments, he wants to be free & be with Ariella when he wants. You can tell by his movements
However, Ariela is a person who do not compromise, so we will see what will follow…

<ok, sí, más de lo mismo…la incertidumbre que nos entregan los protagonistas. Gracias por tu paciencia para explicarme :kissing_heart:

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Personally, I think it’s Ariela’s best interest is not to have a romantic relationship, only a sexual one, she can have whoever she wants, that is in her favor from the Viewers point of view & when she finds the right one she really wants she can have a relationship

:boom: :boom: