
:heart_on_fire: :heart_on_fire:
Gorgeous Ariela :two_hearts:


:two_hearts: :blossom: :two_hearts:


Correct, for that reason the participants do not have to bother with us if they do not like our opinions, we give our opinion without having information and without even understanding what they say, we only know and give our opinion about what we see, in this and any other apartment, but if we stay at that point what would be left over is a Forum in which we talk about people we don’t know, who we don’t understand
and about which we know absolutely nothing. Conclusion: if you don’t like the comments, don’t read the forum (which in my opinion is what the participants should do).


sometimes when relationships break up they agree to make sure each other are not in the house when they come to collect there things.its harder to watch them taking things away as you then know its complete. i know from experence

they have both decided that its over and i hope both can move on.


Obviamente que son todas conjeturas basada en sus comportamientos, pero por estar en un sitio de “mente abierta” (léase, viendo gente desnuda en su día a día, teniendo sexo, de a dos, tres o cuatro personas, depilándose sus partes íntimas, viéndolos hacer pis, etc etc), hay opiniones bastante pacatas y conservadoras. Incluso machistas a mi criterio.
Entiendo que como foro abierto, la dinámica se centra en debatir, en intercambiar comentarios y percepciones, y no habrá consenso en la mayoría de las veces.
Va más allá de “si me gusta lo leo y si no, no”, y en todo caso, yo también puedo decir lo mismo.
Sin embargo, elijo leer todo porque no me creo dueña de la verdad.

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Life holds surprises, never know what can happens and because we don’t understand when they talk we stick to what Sebastian said for now…


Amber, cuando digo que en mi opinión no deberían leer los comentarios del foro me refiero a los participantes, no a nosotros.

You are totally right. To be honest, you were right most of the times with your comments in the past as well. Time has showed us that was the truth. Ariela has chosen Will long, long time ago. Fact.

Keep taking the shrooms guys, this is just hysterical. WoooOOooOOoOOOoo!

I agree. Sadly, I also had to notice Seb has given it a like. If you look up his profile and into the reactions an likes, it speaks volumes about his view of the situation.

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I think at least most of the participants read the comments and I think they are interested in our opinion beyond the negative comments that offend them and which we should avoid so that they can trust us to tell us about their decisions

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That is a negative comment and should be avoided

While i don’t agree with chadrick233997, he has a right to his opinion. I find it laughable when forum members get their panties in a bunch when someone says something about ariela they don’t like, yet these same people insult other participants like henry, derek, among others.

No, I don’t remember and I’m glad there wasn’t any problem, but I still say that in my opinion, and it’s just my opinion, it is not a good idea for the participants to participate or read the forum, I, if I were a participant I would not do it.

Seems i have completely miss read the parting of the ways, my apologies to all concerned it was not my intention to hurt anybody with my comments. It is so sad to see a happy relationship breakdown overtime. May both parties find true happiness in the future.

Completely understandable, but let’s not forget that now Ariella is in the Realm and we have to respect that

Yes she should be respected and understand it’s her life now to live however she wants to :heart: :+1:

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She’s telling her side of the story to us here. I think you can follow it with a good translator.

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What is all that nonsense about Sebastian here? He left the project. His decision. Why is totally irrelevant. This topic here is about Ariela as the name says. So let’s discuss her and not Sebastian. I made a new topic if you want to discuss him. Back to topic now.

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Excuse me, but how discussing her (still) husband Sebastian visit in her (theirs) apartment is off topic ?? He was in this apartment ( Ariela ) yesterday? How is this off topic ?

How about stop protecting certain apartments here while tearing apart others ?