
As JonR says, we are not machines. I too saw that she was cold at first and then eventually gave in. I tried to analyze from my humble place as a spectator, that in those days when she was distant with Will, she simply needed a shoulder to cry on, a friend to be with her distracting her. In fact if you notice, prior to her crying in the kitchen where he sits her on his lap, she was very moody, irritable and lying on the couch, listless.
After that cry, she started smiling. And laughing. And gave herself to Will in another way.
I’m not a psychologist, nor do I have any academic training in reading people, but from my female point of view, in which hormonality weighs heavily, I think that’s what happened.
She needed to break down to start building a new foundation.
It remains to be seen if Will is the man with the answers he needs or will open the door to enjoy his loneliness.

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Let’s not forget that on Valentine’s Day, Sebastian was taking things from the apartment.

she’s prolonging the time to get more views.

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Good thing VHTV don’t put advertisement like regular TV
Normally when no one is in the Realm it should show snapshots of that Realm participants

Or something like this :laughing:


C’est quoi clarifier ?

Qu’entendez vous par clarifier la situation ?

Don’t they all.?

Nothing logical about women as many know all too well :rofl:

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dont you know it

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Yep a complete enigma known only to themselves, though i doubt if they ever do know tbh :crazy_face:

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Still waiting for them to get some new tenants, maybe things will pick up

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Fotos fßr ein Vorstellungsgespräch?



Takes a loverly photo but what is the hand gesture she keeps making for?



I don’t want to sound conspiranoid…but…it sounds to me like “there will be a warning in five days”. The thing about the guy who went at 1am yesterday to look at the cameras and look at something on his PC doesn’t quite convince me.
Give me a letter and I’ll make a novel out of nothing. :rofl: :rofl:

Ich glaube das Handzeichen ist wie “Schnitt”

If that’s the case, it means I’m really out of it haha

no. With this gesture you can take a selfie on many cell phones without having the phone in your hand