
Wieder was gelernt :rofl: :rofl:

Tal vez para el registro de conducir? :laughing:



The Voice of VH


Just a point of detail. Amy has a wife and two d______rs and a cock between his legs so it is ‘he’ not ‘she.’

To lose Ariela would be a loss too far especially in the light of the other recent departures.

I don’t think he will leave, at least not indefinitely. Maybe it’s an ad for a new pet, a new apartment. Of a new visitor
it could be many things. What I was saying is that all that production seemed to me that it could be related to some kind of ads, especially considering that the VHTV project is in his name now.

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amber, your translation program is confusing male and female pronouns again :wink:

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The natural vibrator didn’t seem to work right, Ariela got herself technical support. :joy: :joy:


Perdon. Cambiaré de traductor asi no confundo a nadie.

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it’s ok :wink:
Just try writing in your own language. Maybe the translator built in here is more capable than the one you’re trying to use. although I have a lot of doubts about it :smiley:

DeepL is valued by many. I use Google Translator myself, but I often correct the pronouns by hand
 The program often fails, especially with she and they, which in my language both is the word sie. And that’s exactly why I prefer to write here in English so that I don’t get misunderstood too often

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Mejor, pierdo menos tiempo ja

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Ok. AcabĂĄs de abrir la caja de Pandora porque el argentino tiene su propio idioma :laughing:

So far it’s working
 the first impression is better than expected :grin:

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You have nothing to apologise for. Your english better than my argentinian.

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Me siento identificada con este tipo de inglés, sin traductor :laughing:

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I did not need this description of the countryside in the remote regions of Russia, having among my relatives a friend married to a Russian whose grandm____r lives in a house with a dirt floor, with water from the well in the garden and without convenience inside but this will undoubtedly have enlightened other readers.
That said, your comment does not explain the quarrel between the two before Seb’s final departure and we must admit that this arrival comes at just the right moment, just when the couple no longer gets along, hence my skepticism about the real reason for leaving.

Completely agree
 otherwise, her anus would have been placed very low if we refer to Will’s penetration

If you read my text carefully you will already find the answer to this question already there

and the reasons for everything else are not an issue for the public. So you won’t get any explanations