
:blossom: :two_hearts: :blossom:


In my opinion she was not measuring the benefits of her sex act but was on her cell phone because she is addicted to the device. I see her on it all day long. Even when she gets in the bathtub.
It’s one thing to charge it because you’re expecting a call or because you might need it urgently (especially when you live alone) but I see it’s a common thing in many apartments: the phone in your hand, ignoring your surroundings. An evil not our era, no more and no less.

I don’t mean when she’s alone
 I mean when she’s making love You can watch video above & you’ll see
 what I mean

But I wouldn’t automatically want to see my gif as a benchmark. I specifically wanted to target Will’s tongue play. Seconds after this scene, the cell phone was far away, but Will could no longer be recorded the way I wanted
 so I didn’t provide a good example with this snapshot
or a too good one, depending on your point of view

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There’s a cellphone in the picture? I didn’t notice

Seriously though, that .gif is a very good catch, exactly what that format should be used for here.


The gif is one of the best I’ve seen
However, do you think Ariela should be playing with her cell phone?
if indeed this is correct forgive me for bringing it up

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I speak of both cases. The gif is so eloquent :fire:

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If this weekend has left us with anything, it’s a good collection of highly flammable images, videos and gifs. A new chapter has been added to the story, which one will follow? We’ll see

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 that was still at the beginning of the ‘action’. and he successfully got her with his tongue to put it down.
In this respect: the fact that she still had it at this specific moment in her hand is forgivable. 20 seconds later it would have been something different

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His moanings
God :fire:

Poner videos para los que no tenemos cuenta premium, Gracias

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Finalmente si sono decisi a mettere in chiaro questa relazione. Quello che non capisco Ú con tutti i ragazzi con cui Ú stata Ariela, perché proprio con Will
 Mah! A me mi sa tanto che ste coppie vengono create da qualcuno, peggio che nel grande fratello

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Elle est tout le temps “collĂ©e” Ă  son tĂ©lĂ©phone 
 et cela commence Ă  doucement m’énerver 
 :rage: :rage: :rage:

There are things I don’t understand about Ariela’s behaviour:
She refuses Will for two days, rebuffs his attempts to caress her and then, suddenly
 has sex with him, in every position, for eight hours!!!

Who can explain this to me?

People are not machines. and certainly none that could be controlled by the wishes of strangers!