
A man sews, a woman watches TV and browses on the phone. No wonder Seb ran away…

Just kidding, I still think they were aliens.


Thought there for a few moments she was going to give in to anal for Will but did not happen, Good stuff with some long action. My favorite viewing on Ariela and there are no bad ones is her long beautiful hair my wife’s is just slightly shorter and her boobs are spectacular…my favorite on VHTV.

You’re sending the b___d back into my loins… :smile:

i b___dy hope you mean the vid clip i posted put b___d back in your loins .and not me personally , im 72 yrs old and have a dodgy ticker and comments like what you put scared the s__t out of me . mind you saying that , im not sure if i should be flattered, :rofl: :rofl:

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Ariela Will Oral


Now wonder she’s on her phone…He’s doing it all wrong :joy:


… and sometimes, in the heat of the moment, it’s a “yes yes ouch” followed by an “oops sorry”

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I felt like ripping out his phone. That seems a little out of place to me…focus!

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After an argument that seemed to involve a salad, the dishes in the sink, and the food s__ttered in the kitchen, Ariela put him on dishwashing duty.
The house is in order. :smile:


Personalmente no me gusta la actitud que Ariela tiene cuando Will quiere follar y a ella parece que no le apetece, ella siempre cede a lo que el quiera y como el desea… Me pensaba que tenía mucha más personalidad.
Reconozco que como espectador es mejor a si , pero a mí me gusta cuando les apetece a los dos.

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A mi me da la sensación que es cuando ella quiere, al revés. Ella termina teniendo la última palabra.

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I love just kissing, sniffing and generally hanging around my wife’s pussy whilst she’s messing on phone or whatever… then eventually start getting more into it till she has to put it down :smiley:

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The boy in purple was looking at the location of the cameras and the connection inside the apartment.
Does it usually happen like this? On monday 2am?


:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:


He is keeping an eye on us, literally :crazy_face:

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In the face of the classic nerd…

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What happen to sebastion? Just realise is name is not more on the project! Did he left Ariela because she brings so many mens at home?

:100: :100:
At the time of any sexual act, sexual games, caresses kisses etc… participants should not play with cell phones or look at the phone immediately after sex to see the performance and benefits they got. In some Realms the participants I think underestimate the intelligence of the viewers, but they are wrong…
Viewers, even if the sex isn’t always real, want to imagine it’s real, and the participants have to respect that
I wonder if they have been explained by the admins or the Project
details like those that are so basic and very important

Sebastian told us that his d______r dropped out of school and he has to take care & to provide her with place to stay & also she needs him to be with her so he can’t continue with Ariela


Ils sont trop mignons tout les deux. Joli couple, bien assorti. :black_heart: :black_heart: :black_heart:

Mais Ariella, devrait laisser un peu tranquille son téléphone. La vie n’est pas dans le téléphone mais dans la réalité. Etre avec un homme implique des choix.