
My comment was just a statement of facts. There was a lot of nonsense written about her clothes etc. above. If someone wants to sit and look at a closed door, let them just do it!

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You definitely misunderstood me. I wasn’t talking about you. they know themselves very well. for example, there is a type who makes the okey emoji to you…this guy doesn’t have a single positive emoji…

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I see he has written something above. These were the kinds I was referring to regarding the clothes (would she move and similar nonsense)! :hugs:

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I’m not talking about the clothes. I’m talking about those who constantly criticise her lifestyle. if you don’t like it, don’t watch it it is that simple.

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I understand that but It’s the same silly comments. We agree whether it concerns lifestyle, speculation about moving or who does what with whom etc. it is not our business!

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Well, when it comes to me. I always want the best for them (A&S). Nevertheless, I have my opinion. And if you don’t like it, just ignore it. But I don’t know whether we need to talk about phychopaths right away. Whether that’s the right way to behave.
For my part, I accept different opinions. And if I don’t like them or they sound totally absurd, I ignore them. There is also freedom of opinion in the forum. After all, they have their opinions too


I didn’t mean you either. Everyone took it personally.

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No, I’m sorry. I didn’t take it personally. That’s a misunderstanding. I just meant whether we should immediately talk about phychopaths when we have different opinions. That’s all. Everything else is fine, pal. :hugs:

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. Everyone is free to write their opinion, but I wonder if she got tired of too much criticism and ran away.

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Please don’t start a new conspiracy theory. It’s not uncommon for her to go out late!


Christmas party in that part of the world

I agree - that @Sheldon174313 character certainly seems to have a vendetta against them and has for some time - likes every single negative comment


Já s ním naprosto souhlasím ! Co dělají? sex jídlo chlast. To je nějaký život? Dívky jsou tam jako hračky, se koukněte jak tam s nimi zachází někteří… A holky jsou taky telata nechat se takhle ponoižovat. Jenže je to prostě zvláštní komunita to u nás v ČR. tohle nenajdete.

se metto il pollice in alto è perchè altri scrivono quello che tua positivita ha portato che questa coppia si è divisa ma perchè devi sempre rompere i coglioni se altri non la pensano come tè…non leggere quello che scrivo e continua a venire sul forum solo per criticare,ariela e sebastian sono adulti se vogliono difendersi ci riescono

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Because it’s better hidden. Manipulating with young girls is world problem and it’s not specific just for some.

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Sebastian having a little trouble with his waterworks?


il mio pensiero è che questo passaggio veloce di seb è perchè non voleva fare passare le 48 ore con la casa vuota rischiando offline e la multa

No idea but Ariella is home now.

wieder ein neuer Mann.


Is she auditioning for new roommates? This is the third guest guy