
I honestly find it meaningless to have based profit on this coming and going of men. If it has to be an open relationship it was better when they shared couples together. At least it made sense and they were happy.

Do you really think that there are tons of women and couples walking around who want to express their frivolities in front of the camera?

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It’s working for Ariela.

Beautiful Ariela & New Guest



Is Ariela an escort girl?

If we look at the look of the guy she’s with now …physically he doesn’t match Ariela at all …I’ll wait and see what happens with him and if she has sex with him lol I think that’s a question we’ll have to think about lol what happened with Pieter last week leaves me in doubt.Of course let’s hope not.

I don’t think this one is going to get lucky!

Even in my opinion I don’t know what they do, because he doesn’t pamper her much

Összeillő pár…

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I am a voyeur … i am here to see what and how the various couples live their daily life.

i like Ariela and Seb … but i also understand that this kind of scrutiny can be very difficult to constantly bear. At the moment Seb has “other” pressing life matters that keeps him very busy. And that is how it is… i truely respect his attitude regarding that.

Ariela has to do what she needs to do. Being a voyeur, that is the interesting part for me… seeing her making choices, living her preferred life … and for that i have great respect.

May 2024 treat both of them with kindness, happiness and a fulfilling life …


I agree with what you said about Sebastian but not what you say about Ariela because I find it really excessive to use the word must. You can choose how to earn if this is the problem in many ways and she does it with other things too but becoming an object for these men is a choice that in my opinion is putting a strain on this couple and is making her a woman with little respect for herself and confused, just look at what happened with Pieter where a very borderline complicity was born with the purpose with which she agrees to do these things. This is in my opinion.

Seeing them, they are a nice couple… they respect each other. It seems like he would like it but she keeps a little distance

I think there is a pattern to Ariella’s recent gentleman friends in that Ariella is seeing if they will respect her boundaries.

ah ok… let’s see. But he is not Sebastian. The house belongs only to Ariella

Oh No…She broke a tooth.


Che peccato! Comunque non dovrebbe provocare danni alle cappelle! :joy:

The guy reminds me of a soldier on leave looking for a little humanity

We don’t know, but if we found out that it is, I don’t think it would be the surprise of the year either.

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