
:boom: :boom: :boom: :boom: :boom: :boom: :boom: :boom: :boom:


:lotus: :lotus: :lotus: :lotus: :lotus: :lotus: :lotus: :lotus: :lotus:


She did went after him naked. The Mail man would be very happy if he would walk by.


I wonder which one writes the answer in the fforum last few days ariela or seb?? :thinking: :thinking: ı mean emojis

usually this is from seb

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Amazing Ariela :heart_on_fire: :heart_on_fire:



I don’t blame any of them! I once wrote something like if the emotional bond is strong, they stick together (when Seb stayed with his d______r), the sex parties that happened afterwards were definitely necessary! Will, Ariela, Bo, and then Pieter in less than a month, and what we don’t see when he disappears for days! I think Seb is more emotionally attached, and that might make him more “mentally” vulnerable, and that could be a reason to keep his distance! When I left in the morning, I wasn’t surprised by his behavior, and I can’t accept A’s temper! We could have talked all night long and resolved the tensions! Do you even want to solve their problems?

I don’t want to solve the problems because I can’t solve them. Only Ariela and Seb can do that.
In my statement, I also didn’t want to give any “know-it-all” advice. I just wanted to describe what my “personal opinion” is. And I tried to describe that a relationship, however it is conducted, is “not a one-way street”. And “both” (A & S) involved should be travelling in one direction.
Then everything will be fine again. And we can continue to observe a beautiful couple. :heart: :heart:

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I think the best thing for Seb to do would be to free himself completely from Ariela and find himself a stable woman who might suit him better which is not the case with Ariela at the moment,she seems to have more interest in getting laid with other guys as far as I can see.if that’s the case with all due reservation let her do it in complete freedom for the greater pleasure of us all without being worried by what Seb might think.

Sebastian has a lot on his plate with suddenly having to look after his d______r, find a new home and school for her. Ariella must feel cut adrift a bit as Sebastians d______r is to young to be on VH so to keep the flat it must be made to pay for its self. Ariella, i think, is not the girl who thrives on being alone and likes kisses and cuddles to feel wanted but not necessarily lots of sex.
I wish them both the best.


Finalmente è la prima volta che in questo forum qualcuno mi da ragione. Grazie! Ognuno è libero di vivere la vita come vuole, ma a lungo andare questi tipi di rapporti non permettono di mantenere a lungo un feeling con la persona che abita sotto lo stesso tetto…

Why does Ariela have all her clothes in the living room? What is happening ?

Maybe she has space in the wardrobe now.

Maybe over en out

pfffff, as if it is the first time that she has all her clothes on the sofa, I have never known anything different with Ariela, she has done this dozens of times, it has no meaning whatsoever and you doomsayers should not look for anything behind it



not now


I think it’s pretty simple: there was never enough space in the closet, so some of her clothes are stored in the couch. and if she’s looking for something specific, she has no choice but to clear everything out until she finds what she wants.
Why doesn’t she at least sort certain types of clothing in bags so that she, for example, can only take out the underwear or the shirts, and why she doesn’t always stuff everything back into the couch … that’s her secret :grin:



She packed up clothes for a day or two and left! :thinking:

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. she fed up with nonsense comments …there are some obsessed people shere… they are only here to criticise her. now they’ll be staring at the empty door, waiting for her to come back

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