

Purtroppo cā€™ĆØ molta veritĆ  in quello che ha scritto! Penso che quello che ĆØ successo di recente in casa sia un completo tradimento dellā€™altro! La libertĆ  ĆØ un grande peso, vivetela o abusatene!

It sounds like youā€™re telling a separated couple that they still have to be faithful to their ex-partnerā€¦
if you want to do that then itā€™s up to you. But donā€™t judge other people when they make their own decisions

My opinion is not a judgment! Since I also know the background, I formulated it!

Pick me a winner! :nose:

OK, note to self: Something like ā€œcomplete betrayal of the other personā€ apparently isnā€™t a judgmentā€¦

If you look carefully you will see that Sebastian supported what Luketto wrote and this is the answer to everything. He wrote two words that say it all Too Much Freedom.

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Ennek ugy latszik csak a faszveres jut


well, you interpret it as agreement, I interpret it as lack of acceptance of the current situationā€¦
I wish it were different, of course. but for this both to move towards each other. But thereā€™s little of that to be felt, and at the moment it feels more like the distance is increasing rather than decreasing.

Of courseā€¦ Ariela enjoys her freedom. The two of them have to judge for themselves whether it is too much or not.
But what I see: there were several situations where Ariela approached Seb. be it hugs, be it cuddling in the bedroom, or little kisses (even when seb was already (almost) as___p). What I miss is that Seb approaches Ariela and gives her real closeness, which she obviously needs and is currently getting from others. No matter what the reasons are, I donā€™t see any return of closeness overall at the moment, one person always remains too far away

When I watch, I always get the feeling that everything could be fine again, or at least better, if Seb would change his behavior (sorry Seb, Iā€™m just describing my impressions and deliberately ignoring certain things).
As a viewer, we only see his reaction in the last few months, but not enough of what led to it. Yes, there were a few moments and situations, but they are (perceived by outsiders) too small and should actually be able to be overcomeā€¦ if the will is there (and maybe the Will is away :wink: )

Kein groƟer Abschied!


I agree with your thoughts and I believe that unfortunately it only depends on one side and if she doesnā€™t understand it and no longer has respect for him and also for herself they will end up on separate paths.

MindjƔrt jƶn a mƔsik helyette :smiley:

la pensiamo uguale su questo ma solo una domanda?come possono rincontrarsi se lei si attacca come una sanguisuga a tutti gli uomini che vengono in casa e lui accende solo il telefono per masturbarsi senza provare ad avvicinarsi a leiā€¦sono mesi che non fanno sesso questo la dice lunga.credete ancora che ci sono speranze per avvicinarsi???io personalmente non ci credo piu

Itā€™s not up to us to judge certain things, I donā€™t know what happens outside the apartment. I only see what they propose and Iā€™m sorry that we canā€™t see some moments of happiness and carefreeness between them but only continuous discussions and men who enter the house only with the intention of fucking Ariela.

io giudico solo quello che fanno vedere ma credo sia abbastanza per vedere che come dici tu ci provano tutti e molti arrivano allo scopo.tutta questa liberta a portato a questo ormai insieme sono due persone senza stimoli se non discutere

But whoā€™s is it?

For the many doubters! Just one thing! How much can and should one ā€œloveā€ the WOMAN about whom Sebastian sees everything, because Iā€™m sure of that! Itā€™s different if itā€™s a business venture from the beginning, but thatā€™s not what I ā€œthoughtā€ of when we first got together!

Or maybe its the operation? Who knows who cares?

When Sebastian left with the pot today, there was a brief and emotionless hug. Afterwards, I think Ariela was furious about the departure. Because she was ranting in the kitchen and seemed unhappy. I think Ariela expected more warmth in this situation.
Ariela is a very beautiful, good-looking and desirable woman. She needs a lot of warmth and a lot of attention. And she gets both of these things from Pieter and Will, for example, or from other men, which sometimes leads to rewards.
Conclusion: ā€œI emphasise that this is expressly my opinionā€. If Sebastian wants to keep Ariela in his relationship in the long term, he needs to be more responsive to this woman and approach her. However he does that. But he should also make his own point of view clear to Ariela, and that there can also be limits in a relationship ā€œwith freedomā€.
As I said, this is just my opinion and everyone involved has to find their own way. Only the two of them will be able to find out where that path will end up.
Greetings, good luck and all the best to everyone. :heart: :heart:


Happy or relieved?