
well ı think he is fine

Thank you for the positive update. :+1:

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She should be on her way home now… she is aware that the 48 hours are almost up


qui nourrit les animaux ?

You can usually leave enough food and water for 4 or 5 days and both of them look ok.

My rabbit would not be happy if he was left on his own for more than a day without fresh food, would all be chobb__d no matter how much you put down!!

c’est a la limite de la maltraitance .pauvre animaux.

Neglect perhaps…a___e ?

si l’a____l a besoins de soins . il peut se blésser dans sa cage .

a bit far there… they will be fine

wow just checked shes hot as fuck good call :+1: :+1:

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igazad van

this is not ariela

salon en désordre , animaux abandonné , elle part en vrille Ariela!

where is ariella now?

absente depuis deux jours.

it’s the third day she’s been gone

ok, he’s gone, but the question was … where is he? :slight_smile: Bo he is also in some apartment, or not a project participant?

dancing days are here again :laughing:


Welcome back Ariela. Good to see you in such a good mood :

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