

Dancing - Fantastic
Music - Horrible :rofl:


also, the a____ls are now supplied. :heart:


And she is gone probably to the neighbors house cause she took a pot of something. Got put herself a bath bone over her clothes cause I guess she didnā€™t wanna put on no coat or nothing like that and left she may be back she may be just dropping stuff off donā€™t know just assuming before yā€™all start acting erratic.


I know. I also said she looks like Ariela.

Iā€™m just glad she returned with a smile and happy dance!


@Shyguy I only wrote that after 48 hours if an apartment is empty it should go offlineā€¦I donā€™t understand your facepalmingā€¦

I just donā€™t understand the obsession of users clock watching the 48 hours to get an apartment switched off

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itā€™s not an obsession and just a vhtv rule nothing moreā€¦

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Forget about rules and just enjoy watching others live their lives!
My advice! Just enjoy what others offer!
live and let live and pray for World Peace!


you are newly enrolled you will learn in time to get to know peopleā€¦

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No Iā€™m not! Iā€™ve been on this site for 4 yrs and some of you heel biting peeps need to learn to except whatever they want us to see!
Sorry if that busted your bubble, BUBBA

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It didnā€™t burst any bubbles for meā€¦you can rest assuredā€¦

Well thatā€™s nice to hear but next time know your facts BUBBA!!!

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I donā€™t want to argue with you (Iā€™m talking to people I already know from the forum)ā€¦

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Heute morgen um fĆ¼nf Uhr. ein bisschen Ƥlterer Kunde


In principle you are right. Itā€™s a VHTV rule.
But shutting down an apartment only occurs when VHTV is notified that the apartment is empty for a period longer than 48 hours.
This also results in a penalty for the participant.
But as long as no one informs support and the support donā€™t notice it themselves, nothing will happen.

And letā€™s be honestā€¦
Who benefits from us if the apartment is taken offline and Ariela has to pay a fine?
If a longer absence of the participant is foreseeable, he will have the apartment taken offline on his own initiative. And if something unforeseeable happened, it was certainly not a bad intention.

So why all the fuss?

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ā€¦(Iā€™m talking to people I already know from the forum)
this form of sectarianism doesnā€™t really honor youā€¦

minden esetre ez imadja a faszt ki az egyikbol bele a masikba

I apologize I didnā€™t want to create any fuss and especially I donā€™t want them to get a ticket (however next time I wonā€™t write anything again) :pray: